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THE FLIGHT was a long one—14 hours nonstop from Munich straight to the Tokyo International Airport. [Name] feels the plane come to a stop and clearly reads the Japanese characters beneath the large English-translated signs. The girl sees the sun rising from the deepest depths and a small smile forms on her face at the familiarity of Japan.

Looking at the sunrise always gave her comfort.

As children, she and Alexis used to wake up early to watch the sunrise. Alexis would playfully enact a spell, standing before her, pretending to hold the sun in his hands and raise it up.

The pilot's announcement is what snaps her from her stupor. She shakes her head, already missing her grandparents back in Munich. [Name] will make sure to call them and inform them of her arrival in Japan later. For now, getting off the plane was her first priority. Once she was out, she heads down the pipeline and into the airport to rendezvous with Anri at the A1 Terminal.

As [Name] briskly walks to the terminal, pulling her suitcase behind her, the wheels emit a steady hum against the smooth airport floor. Occasionally, there's a soft rattling sound as the suitcase rolls over minor bumps or uneven tiles. The handle extends with a faint click as she adjusts its height, and the zippers make a gentle jingling noise with each step, containing the promise of her belongings securely tucked inside.

The familiar ringtone of her phone alerts her and she answers it, putting it against her ear, "Hello?"

"[N/n]! How are you?"

The girl gasps inwardly, "Alexis?" A smile forms under her mask. "Hey! I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about leaving so suddenly."

She hears him giggle, "It's okay! Did you get to Japan safe?"

"Yes, I have. How's Michael—actually...How are YOU, Lex?"

He seems pretty shaken up, but hides it well, "I'm doing good! And about Kaiser...He hasn't come out of his room—Oh wait never-mind."

[Name] raises a brow, "Alexis?"

"Good morning, Kaiser—Wha—Hey!"

Suddenly, a new voice enters through the phone, "Good morning, Liebe~ How was your flight? I told you that I could get you a private jet, you didn't have to ride economy with the other...people."

The young soccer star breathes out a quiet laugh, "There's no need for that, Mi—"

"There IS, [Name]," she could practically hear the pout on his face, and it turning into a small frown. "How dare you subject yourself to such inconvenience when you could have had the best?"

"I appreciate the offer, Micha," The girl giggles at her friend's antics, "but I don't mind flying with everyone else. It's part of the experience."

She hears him sigh, but that makes her smile softly. 'He's so considerate of me...It's cute.'

"Well, if thats how you see it, then it's okay I guess. But next time, promise me you'll let me arrange something more suitable, at least." He informs her.

"Of course! You're always too kind to me, Michael. It's kind of hard to believe that you treated me like crap the first time we met." [Name] remarks, a hint of amusement in her voice, knowing well Michael's tendency to assert dominance and superiority even in initial encounters.

"Well, we all have our moments, right, mein liebe?" He smirks, arrogance peeking through in true Michael Kaiser fashion. "But hey, look at us now. It's basically water under the bridge. Old news."

"Yeah, that's true." [Name] says.

She then sees a familiar figure waiting for her and immediately recognizes them. It's her older sister, Anri!

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