Character Introduction

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Name: Yoruichi SanoNicknames:

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Name: Yoruichi Sano

Yoruichi-san (Toman members)
Yoru (Family and friends)
Nee-chan (Manjiro, Emma)
Nee-sama (Izana)
Ane-san "Boss lady" (Gangs and Yakuza)

- Gorilla
- Violent woman
- Gremlin
- Drool Goblin
- Goblin

This bitch.....

Prologue - 8 then 14
2003- 21

Height: 161cm

Underground - She can command multiple Yakuza groups.


Gorgeous, not to brag but Yoruichi is one of those people that are classified as Scary pretty.

Hair- Long/Curly black
Eyes- pitch Black, but she wears color contacts sometimes.
Body- yitties are pretty big. She does have a curvy figure, skinny waist but she often wears baggy shapeless clothes so you can't really tell.
Tattoos- lots (Arms, Ankles, thigh, behind the ear)
Piercings- lots just on the ears
she also tends to wear lots of jewellery sometimes she gives stuff she doesn't wear anymore to Manjiro (His anklet) or Baji since they have similar styles.
She also has a matching chain necklace with Shinichiro they got from their late father.


Shinichiro (Older brother by 2 years)
Manjiro (Younger brother by 8 years)
Izana ( Adoptive younger brother by 5 years)
Emma ( Younger half-sister by 9 years)

Manasaku ( Grandfather)
Makoto (Father- Died when Manjiro was 3)
Sakurako (Mother- Died a bit after they met Emma)
Karen (Ex- Stepmother)

~10 flings/ Blind dates
Boyfriend #1 (Dumped her after seeing her fight)
Boyfriend #2 (Cheated)- Izana discovered
Boyfriend #3 (Cheated)- Emma Discovered
Boyfriend #4 (Turned out to be a creep)-Shinichiro Discovered
Boyfriend #5 (Cheated)- Manjiro Discovered

Likes: (More to be revealed?)
Fighting, Being right, Bullying Shinichiro, Manjiro, Emma, Izana, Family and friends, Herself, winning, smoking, chilling

Dislikes: (More to be revealed?)
Cheaters, Anyone hurting her family, Shinichiro winning an argument (He never does), Losing, complicated stuff

Getting into fights

A little about Yoruichi

- Black belt martial artist
- Olympic Gold medalist in Martial Arts mainly Karate or Muay Thai.
- Mikey enjoys trying to copy her moves and adapt them into his own.
- She is genuinely smart and doesn't have to go to school to pass.
- If she's skipping Class she's usually smoking or chilling at a hideout.
- Since Shinichiro and her shift from being 2 and 1 year apart people sometimes think their twins.
- She doesn't have a lot of complex emotions and lives according to the flow. This doesn't mean she can't get hurt she's just good at hiding it.
- She aspires to be ladylike like her mother, but struggles with it since she grew up with rambunctious boys.
- She's a lone wolf, and doesn't really openly display affection to people that are not friends or family.

- She never started a gang since she has a long history of people misunderstanding her or making their own assumptions and causing fights

- In school she acts very ladylike, since she learned from her past and even managed to get a few boyfriends.

- Shinichiro doesn't like the fact his sister turns into a different person in school but supports her decisions.

One more Sano Sibling (Tokyo revengers fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora