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Nobody remembers their birth, I certainly do not. You must rely on retellings of the event. That is all you have. It isn't too bad though, it is like a never ending bedtime story, a story you are still living to this very day.

I am told that I was an easy baby. I was cold though, so cold they had to place me under a lamp. Yes, I remember being told that. I was blue.

I had bright red hair, like a fire- no, that is not quite right, it is too common. I had hair the color of a wood lily. It was a puff.

I was tall and lanky, skinny too. My skin was tinted light blue, I was cold. Too cold, so they took a heating lamp and placed me under it. A baby under a lamp, as if I was some kind of reptile egg. Other than that, there was nothing remarkable about my entry into this world. 

I was born out of wedlock, though it never effected me much. I went back to the apartment I would call home for the next two years and lived in peaceful ignorance. Seeing as I was a baby, and babies do not know what is in front of them unless it is their mothers breast or a bottle.

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