prologue ...

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Tara looked at him with tear-filled eyes as he removed the ring from his hand and handed it to her. She was not ready to take it, her heart breaking into a million pieces as she whispered, "You said you would never leave me, then why, Abhimaan? Why me?"

He looked at her with a cold expression, his eyes devoid of any emotion.

"I don't trust you. I know you are lying."she said and he said nothing

Tara felt her world crumbling around her as she realized that the man she loved, the man she had given her heart to, was now accusing her of betrayal. She tried to explain, to make him understand that she would never do anything to hurt him, but he was not willing to listen.

"You are nothing to me. I just used you, did you understand?" he said, his words like a dagger to her heart. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving her alone in the darkness of her shattered dreams.

Tara stood there, clutching the ring in her hand, the tears streaming down her face as she realized that the love she had believed in was nothing but a cruel illusion. She felt the pain of heartbreak like a physical ache, her chest constricting with the weight of her sorrow.

And as she watched him disappear into the night, she knew that it was over. Their love was broken beyond repair, and there was nothing left for her but to accept the bitter truth and let him go.

With a heavy heart, Tara let the ring slip from her fingers, the symbol of their love falling to the ground with a soft thud. And as she walked away, her steps heavy with grief, she knew that she would never be the same again. The pain of heartbreak would always linger in her soul, a constant reminder of the love that was lost.

To be continued

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