Y/n Sarutobi.

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Y/n Sarutobi, youngest of the 3rd Hokage's children. She was just shy of 5 yrs younger than Asuma. Her first trauma was when her mother, Biwako, had died. Her her eldest siblings had died in the Anbu. Her third... she was booted from Anbu, he'll she was booted from all ninja missions. Her leg broke so severely that even with medical ninjutsu, it wouldn't be the same. She had been stripped of her duty. Reduced to diplomatic duties. Of course, she didn't regret what happened, only the consequences. Y/n had saved her teammates by sacrificing her leg and inevitably her career as well. She would have done it for anyone in the leaf village, but these two.. she would have given her life for them. Her best friends, Izumo and Kotetsu. She loved them dearly, more than she'd ever admit to anyone actually. Some knew without her telling though. The idiots themselves of course didn't. Or at least that's what she thought.

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