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I woke up to a squeal.

Wow. Start the day with hearing a squeal, just great.

I opened my bleary eyes to see red hair and soft brown eyes and a bright bright smile that can rival my own '' Eh Ginny wasn't it?'' Then I noticed how I was spooning Nico with my hand under his neck and an arm around his wait 

She nodded with her eyes giving the fan -girl look '' I knew it I knew there was something going on between you two, OH MAH GOSH SOLANGELO YES I NEED TO TELL HERMIONE'' And with that she bounded out of the room.

''Girls are so loud.'' I noted out loud

''And they ask me why I'm gay'' I jumped '' Nico, you startled me'' I said grumpily

'' look, it's my job to be grumpy so quit that tone'' He said even more grumpily '' I rolled my eyes and smirked '' Alright then I'll just go back to myself I guess'' And I bent down to kiss his neck

His eyes widen as a slight blush tinted his '' Will!'' He exclaimed ''Yeah?'' I said

His eyes took a mischievous look as he leaned in to kiss my lips.

I went rigid. My eyes widened like how Nico's did when I kissed his neck. Then I slowly kissed him back

'' OMG GINNY YOU WERE RIGHT THEY ARE SO CUTE'' An overly loud Hermione beamed at us as we broke apart '' SOLANGELO IT IS GIN'' Hermione confirmed. Then she gave a dark look to Nico's arm before she stiffly walked out.

'' Did no one teach them to knock when they were little?'' Nico asked irritated and sat up

'' Hermione looked really upset at your arm Neeks'' I said worried as I sat up too

'' Probably some sort of wizard shit'' He noted '' Also Will I think we need discuss our places in our relationship'' He raised an eyebrow at me 

I started to stumble over my words '' Oh ermm.. uh N-Nico, w-would you uh g-go out wimme?''

Nico looked like he's suppressing laughter '' Sure thing Will '' 

I punched the air '' YES!!'' And then I went over to change as did Nico.

When we went downstairs Harry Ron and Hermione sent us a few looks. Hermione glared at us. I shuddered. No wonder I mostly date boys even though I'm Bisexual. 

I held Nico's hand and I saw Ginny go over and sit next to Hermione and start talking and pointing at us. I would have immediately thought of Ginny as an Aphrodite girl, 

But then I saw her glare at Harry menacingly for something he said 

So not  any Aphrodite girl probably the Piper sort of Aphrodite girl. The angry Piper Aphrodite girl. Right?

Gods, girls are so complicating.

Mrs Weasley smiled at Nico and hugged him, this time he let her. Mrs Weasley let go with a smug expression. '' Are you alright Nico?'' He nodded '' Alright then everyone sit down, Breakfast is ready!'' This time she let me serve Nico his food as I put a piece of buttered toast and a small pomegranate with a small egg on his plate. '' Eat up Neeks'' I said as I made my own plate. 

Nico took a small bite out of the toast with an expression that said '' Eating hurts ''. Hecate had told us that we were excused from burning sacrifices to the gods to make us less suspicious.

I looked at Nico and gave him a disappointed look. He ate half the toast and just a fourth of the pomegranate and left the egg. He looked at me and said with his eyes '' No way in hell am I eating eggs'' I knew of his hatred for eggs 

'' But you need the nutrition '' I sent with my eyes

'' No.'' 

'' At least the toast?'' I pointed at it 

He glared at the toast like it did him a wrong by being there. Which I guess it did. Then he picked it up and started to nibble on it reluctantly. 

I smiled and went back to my plate, then I noticed that the table had gone quiet and was staring at us. '' What?'' I asked

Then they all went back to talking like they weren't rudely staring at us.

After a while Mrs Weasley got up and announced '' We're going to Diagon Alley for school shopping''  

'' Diagonally?'' I stared across the room '' but there isn't anything there''

'' No doofus'' Nico rolled his eyes '' it's some Alley way for shopping named ' Diagon' '' He looked at the wizards for confirmation '' right?'' they all nodded 

Looks like we are in for a long trip.




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