Taehyung: .....

Elena : huh ??

Taehyung: answer my question..~~

Elena : ya good just a bit pain .. now answer my question..

Taehyung: just a bit ...you are sus..

Elena: uh..

Taehyung : well u fainted so royal doctor came and treated you.. I didn't want to let you be alone so uh u r here ..

Elena:... I wann-

Taehyung: don't tell me anything now .. u are hurt and in pain ... rest we'll talk tomorrow. And buts k ?

Saying that he went back to on the couch.. I anyways didn't have capacity to stay wake and think so I slept as well
Huh ? It's morning already ? When I open my eyes I find Taehyung sitting beside me , putting a wet cloth on my forehead..

Elena : huh what's happening??

Taehyung: oh you are wake! Looks like the doctor gave you a medicine which you might be allergic to so you have got high fever.. tho you know that medicine is really good for controlling pain so don't worry .. u ll be All right ..

Elena : I know you don't need to worry bout me so much ..

Taehyung: but here you are my responsibility so I-

Elena - leave it your highness.  I anyways wanna discuss something more important with so lemme fresh up and then how bout I meet in garden at 12 ?

Taehyung : It's already 1:30 ..

Elena- uh 3 then ?

Taehyung- k

Elena: aish the pain is strong but not stronger that beauty

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Elena: aish the pain is strong but not stronger that beauty

Taehyung: ya so now straight to point ..

Elena : yesterday I realised three things . First the queen had a sword but she didn't help me or even gave me the sword. Secondly , the attackers they all didn't jump in group they were attacking  one by one it felt like whoever to kill wins something.  I mean like a competition between them . And uh ..

Taehyung: It's fine continue..

Elena: I heard queen talking to someone that she wanna kill some one .. I am not sure tho ..

Taehyung: wait you aren't the only one who told me this even jin hyung told me.. oh damn by the way I realised jin hyung wants to meet you let's go ..

Elena : k

We are going to the library.. I guess jin must have found something to tell me..

Jin : heyy wow after being whole 2 hours late you still came ... wow

Taehyung: sorry hyung ..cmon ..

Jin : you have gotta buy me my favorite food to make up k ?

Taehyung: deal

Jin - how are you feeling ?

Taehyung- I m guilty hyung  I really am

Jin - I asked her not you ...

Taehyung- y are u still angry

Elena - I am better..

Jin - well I wanna show you something..

He shows a pill .. it's the same as the one that man took under the bridge..

Elena- it seems same

Taehyung- what ??

Jin - I guess it is ..

Elena - where did you find this ??
Taehyung- keeping on ignoring me...:(

Jin - ... he got it what are we talking bout he'll still do that

Elena - hahaha...

Taehyung- hyung that was supposed to me a secret ..

Jin - by the way I found it with one of servants who found a big bag full of it thrown in dustbin..

Elena - but who would..? We need to search more bout it .. it is definitely connected ...

Jin - I suspect her highness..

Elena - wait why many people thinks that she isn't good ?

Taehyung- we heard servants complaining..

Elena - oh ..

Jin - what did she found about her highness..

While Taehyung was telling jin about whatever I told him I was roaming in the library.. seeking for something useful which would help me to find out my reason for second life but then

 seeking for something useful which would help me to find out my reason for second life but then

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Taehyung- can you pls come here ??

Elena- just a min

Taehyung- I wanna tell you something bout that will make you stay here ...that will also secure you and your empire..

Elena - I also have a way .. how bout I become your personal guard ??

Jin : uh ..

Elena : jin hyung you won't mind right you can become junkook's guard

Jin :  I mean he's never late ..

Taehyung: It was just one time...~~

Jin : but I would mind tho and I also don't think that is a good option ...

Taehyung- uh so anyways .... what you think about marrying me ??

Elena - huh what ??

Taehyung- I mean we can build ties to your empire and secure it and we can also work on our safely as well..

Elena : uh I..

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