Chapter 1

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Dyanne was walking around the street. Looking around at all the high buildings and people walk8ng around, hurrying at all times, she felt happy that she had made the right decision to get out of home half an hour earlier.

Did she procrastinate for 20 minutes after waking up one hour earlier and then almost forgot to wear one sock in her panic? Yes. Did she want to hear about it? No.

Walking on the footpath, she was walking fairly quickly, when she heard a “ding!” from her mobile.

Stopping suddenly, she fished her phone out of her pant pockets. Oh it was a notification from Swiggy. While she was standing on the footpath stock still, she felt something and looked up quickly.

About 20 feet away stood away a guy, his hands in his pockets with his back to her. His hair was curly and he was wearing a black jacket and leather sweatpants. His back looked extremely familiar. The dips and contours of his shoulders seemed very know to her. It was a back Dyanne had spent her earlier life staring at, daydreaming about running her hands over that back.

As soon as he realised someone was staring at him, he looked back. Immediately Dyanne locked eyes with him. It was him. It was Adrian. She had a massive crush on him when she was in India but she never found the courage to talk to him. Was it her sins coming back to bite her in the ass? What if recognises me-SHIT he's coming towards me. Dyanne, run. Run. RUN.

He started walking towards Dyanne with a unknown look on his face. She looked like a deer in headlights in broad daylight, standing still on the street. Finally he reached her and stood in front of her.

He introduced himself to Dyanne and asked her if he had seen her before. “Yup. We lived in the same neighborhood before.” Adrian listened carefully when she explained how she had reached Paris and her present life and in turn listened to his. Apparently he was now a leader of a small company here and was also single. Dyanne didn't know how she felt about that information.

After standing around on the street chatting for a few minutes, Dyanne suddenly remembered that she had to reach her office by 8:30. Remembering, she quickly checked her phone after excusing herself from the conversation. It was 8:20! She would be on time but barely. Dyanne looked at Adrian sheepishly, “So I may have to reach my office by 8:30 to not be late…Can we continue this conversation later? It was really nice to meet you!”. “Of course. Could I possibly know where you work?”, came his prompt reply. Atleast he wasn't offended. “Yeah sure, I work at “Matériel de Mari Industries”!

On hearing her workplace's name, a strange look came over him but was erased as fast. Thanking him for the pleasant chat, she crossed the road, the image of a certain messy-haired boy-now man- fresh on Dyanne's mind.


It was now the end of the day, and Dyanne was more than ready to go home. Even her work best friend had left after continued reassurance that she would be okay alone in the office. Stretching her hands upwards, she thought for the umpteenth time about Adrian. For some reason her crush on him wasn't fully gone yet and wasn't that the most embarrassing thing ever?

Shaking her head as if to claar her thoughts physically, she turned off the computer, the whole office now plunged into a world of darkness previously broken by the light from the computer.

After gathering up her things, she turned on her phone flashlight and made the short walk to the exit. But as soon as she opened the door she got a nasty surprise.

It was raining like a bitch. The whole street was flooded with rain and only a few feeble streetlights broke the unimaginable darkness. There wasn't a person in sight. While Dyanne couldn't have possibly known it was raining from inside the soundproof office building, she felt like cuffing herself. How could she not have even brought an umbrella.

As she stood there thinking about what to do, she saw a pair of headlights approaching her. It was a blue motorcycle and the value of the motorcycle told her it was unlikely that the person inside would help her. Rich people were generally assholes.

As she stood on the side of the office building, the guy stopped a few metres away from her. As the driver rolled down the window, she got a good look at his eyes. It was Adrian, she couldn't be mistaken! He had such an expensive car, just where did he work? Filing away the question in her mind for later inquiry, she came to the situation at hand.

Speaking of, Adrian looked at her crooked his two fingers at her, gesturing Dyanne to get into the vehicle. She looked at him disgusted. Was he that dumb or did he not realise she would become sopping wet, the moment she stepped out?

After a few minutes, it seemed that he finally realised it and got out of the car with a second helmet under his arm. She couldn't help her eyes that focused on the muscles of his thighs flexing. He walked to her and before she could even say anything he took off his jacket and handed it to her. Adrian snatched the things from her and asked her to put it on with a tilt of his head.

Dyanne pulled on the jacket, inconspicuously trying to get a sniff of his scent. The jacket settled comfortably on her shoulders, feeling like a warm hug.

He trudged towards the parked motorcycle, obviously expecting Dyanne to follow him. She reached the car and when she was about to open the door, Adrian came near her and opened the door. Trying not to blush, she got into the car. Walking to the other side, Adrian got in and after asking her adress, he input it into the GPS. Without another word, Adrian  started driving.

After a few mins Adrian asked, “Why were you in the office this late?”. “I had work to do.” Looking at her with an indiscernible look.

After a few minutes, they reached her house and saying thank you to him, she leaped out of the car, happy to escape from the stifling burn of his gaze. Waving him goodbye, she slipped into her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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