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You become very nervous again and you hands begin to shake. You stand outside of his door. Wondering what to say to him. You gave up and just knocked on the door. I looked down. Then the door opened. There he was. He just looked at me.

Jerome~ "is there something I can help you with y/n?"
You notice him looking at you. You need to say something. But you can't get your words out. Why can't you talk
Y/n~ "erm, Trudy told me to bring this to you.i hope it isn't a problem. I did the icing. I don't know if you like it. I mean it's completely fine if you don't. It's fine. I'm sorry I don't know why I'm talking so much"
You just stopped and began stressing out. Why were you acting like an idiot. He is gonna think I'm so weird.

Jerome~ " hey don't stress."
He put his hand on you arm
Jerome~ "thank you"

His hand moved off you arm. And he closed the door. You were still stood there. Confused on what just happened. And all of a sudden. You hear someone.

Patricia~ "y/n why are you stood awkwardly outside of Jerome's room?"
You began to walk to her slowly
Y/n~"oh Trudy asked me to cut Jerome a slice of cake and bring it to him"
Patricia~" well Trudy has just gone out to the shops. She said she needed to get some more fruit."

You still saw that your bags were at the door. And after that awkward moment with Jerome you just want to completely forget it. But those bags are heavy.
You go to take the handles but because you have to pick the suitcase up instead of pulling it along it was really difficult to carry.
Patricia~ "how the hell are we gonna carry this to your room."
Y/n~ "well if you didn't pack so much in my bag maybe we would be able to pick it up then wouldn't we"

You hear a door open. Once again you you start stressing out. You just wanted to go to your room.
Jerome~ "why are we gathered around the stairs?"
You look at Patricia know what she is going to do.
Patricia~ "seen as how you have nothing better to do loser, can you help get these bags up to the attic?"
Jerome~ "is that Patricia asking for help? Never thought I would hear that?" He said with a sarcastic tone
Patricia~ "not for me, for y/n. The bags are heavy and she wants to get settled. Trudy cleared the attic as there isn't space in the bedrooms."
Jerome looks at you

Jerome~ "yeh sure. Why didn't you just ask"
He lifts up both suitcases and starts to carry them upstairs. And you look at Patricia. She looks in shock. You don't know why. But you follow Jerome up to the attic.

Midnight memories Jerome x readerWhere stories live. Discover now