The arrival

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You feel the taxi come to a stop and all you can do is look down at your hands and you sit and worry.
Patricia~ "hey, don't get all worked up about this. If u actually didn't want to be here you wouldn't have packed and got in a taxi here"
"I guess you're right. But honestly, if I don't get out of this car now. I will leave in it when it drives off "
Patricia places her hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring look. You take a deep breath and lean to open the car door. As you get out, you look towards the house.
"Wow, it's certainly something"
Patricia~" yeh well let's hurry up and get settled, yeh?"

You grab the handle of your suitcase and pull it out of the boot of the taxi. You put it beside you. And you then go for your other suitcase. But you pause

Patricia~ "let me get that for you. Now grab your other suitcase and let's go inside."
You give Patricia a soft smile and you both begin to walk up the path. You begin to feel really nervous as you walk through the door following Patricia.

Y/n thoughts
Ok I'm just going to go straight to my room and stay there. Relax and read. Or maybe watch some Netflix. Possibly order some food. Omg. Yeh I am going to order Chinese food. Maybe it won't be so bad. It will all be ok. If I just avoid everyone and everything. I won't have to worry about feeling nervous.
Y/n thoughts end

You start to walk through, but that's when you see a tall blond boy walking from down the corridor.
Patricia~ what are you doing here, shouldn't you be off playing your little pranks?
The boy said " oh and welcome back to you. If you must know I am here early for one reason only. Trudy's food. Wait why are you here so early?"
Patricia ~I wanted to get settled if you must know, this is my sister y/n. She is joining Anubis house. So she is going to be getting settled soon so she can get used to everything round here."

You and the boy exchange looks. You feel butterflies in your stomach.

Y/n thoughts
Who is he? He is so tall. He is handsome. No. I'm not gonna do that. I am not looking for anything. No I will keep to myself.
Y/n thoughts end

Patricia~ "earth to y/n! Come on then let leave this looser. Leave your bags here and trudy will take them up for you later"
You look over at the boy giving him a warm smile.
He gives you a slight smile then walks to the kitchen. You follow Patricia to the table
Patricia~ "hey trudy"
Trudy~ "hello sweetie, I'm just making some food. I had a feeling people were going to arrive early so I had to be prepared. Oh and you must be y/n. I have your room all done. We had to clear out the attic. So you get a room to yourself. But don't worry it's all clean. And I will take your bags up soon. I'll just finish this cake. Jerome will not stop hassling me for it."
Y/n~ "thank you Trudy. Would you like some help with the cakes?" You say a bit shy.
Trudy~ "oo you so polite this is exactly what we need here at Anubis house.yes thank you I would love a bit of help."

You walk with Trudy to the kitchen and see the boy you saw before stood there. You hesitate to walk more into the kitchen.
Trudy~ "oh yes, I see you have met Jerome. Don't worry y/n he won't bite"
You hear him laughing under his breath. You ignore it and start helping Trudy with the rest of the cake.
Y/n ~ "I could make the icing if you want me to. Any colour preference?"
Trudy~ "anything you think would look best on a chocolate cake. Oh. That reminds me I'll wash up the pots so it saves a bit of cleaning up to do."
You begin to make the icing and decide to make it white buttercream. You began making this and Trudy starts on the washing up. You notice there are no piping bags. So you use a spoon to put the icing around the top of the cake and then use a tooth pit to make small swirls in the icing. You don't see this, but Jerome is looking at you decorating the cake through from the table as he walked in there before.

Time jump 10 mins.
All the washing up has been done by Trudy. And the cake is now finished. You look up and see Jerome isn't at the table anymore.
You ask Trudy where he went. Not to be nosey but you couldn't help but be a bit curious.
Trudy~ "he has probably gone to his room. The room on this side corridor. If you wouldn't mind cutting him a piece and giving it to him?"

You cut Jerome a small piece and walk out of the kitchen.

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