Aomine Daiki

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Any normal person would have their eyes fixated on an opponents movement so they can predict when and what angle the blade is coming at them. But if you took a moment to focus on an opponent's eyes, then you might see something different because that's what Aomine is seeing.

Wildfire, blazing red hot wildfire and relentless. That's what Aomine sees. It's a look of someone who has nothing to lose and everything to gain, and those who stand in their path have an unfortunate tendency of being swallowed up by the flames entirely. And so so blinding. Aomine has seen it outside the ring as well, he's seen it in his eyes; a blaze like an uncontrollable red fire that could wreak chaos upon the plains, but now as he stairs at Kagami Taiga, it's like he can see it dripping from his skin, changing the very air around him.

Kagami just had this... this ...presence that always demanded attention. It was just like him; loud, and fierce, and just so blindingly bright.

But that's what Aomine wants, isn't it?


All of Aomine's life, moving with a sword, has been as effortless as breathing; something that didn't feel like he needed to be taught so much as something innate. An instinct that he was born with.

All his life, he has possessed the kind of strength and grace most men can ever only dream of. Blessed with reflexes more befitting a beast than a man, picking up a sword had always felt a little like he was picking up a piece of himself. With a blade in hand, no matter the weight or the length, he'd always felt complete in a way. In control. He'd never understood—in a way geniuses, and the immensely gifted could never understand—why other boys couldn't move the way he could. Why were their movements so clunky and stiff and slow. To him, such a thing was like dropping an arm or a leg.

Aomine has been in many battles and has seen many battles. Listened to the songs that their swords made as they clashed, there was always something so...magnetic about it, Aomine always found himself drumming his fingers to those beats, it was the best beat to listen to. It was his favourite.

He couldn't place why, though...

Maybe it was Ma and her love of songs and stories that had made him realise that blades were just instruments in disguise; they played just right, and in the right hands, they could make music. Beautiful music. Music that possessed its own kind of magic that made you feel as if you were watching a legend unfold before your very eyes. It had a beat. A rhythm. A tune that only those wielding those swords knew and could feel unfolding between them; one that might never be heard the same ever again and was all the more enthralling because of that.

When he was young, he used to listen to songs by the fireside about mythic princes and warriors, who fought magnificent creatures in the sky with blades of lightning and wind, and who shattered stars with their swords and made thunder when they beat their shields. Ma used to tell him that the songs were once about men, who fought so beautiful that it was thought it could only be the work of magic.

Aomine wanted to be those men...

And he thinks that he might have become one. But, Aomine also thinks that he has found one...


This mythic warrior has a blade of red, blinding, hot fire. The kind that draws the eye. Makes you want to see what it can burn and burn through, what it's limit, if it has a limit. The heat that radiates off of Kagami Taiga should be a warning to most, but to Aomine, it calls.

The crackling of the fire less of a warning and more of a giant magnet, and this one has got Aomine caught in its magnetic field. But, Aomine doesn't want to leave it, does he? No, he wants to see how bright he can burn, and if he can burn Aomine, wants to see, has't to see.

But the fire and the invisible magnetic force are not the only things that draw Aomine in. No, there is something more innate, more... wild. Aomine has had the wild call out to him before, he's felt it when he's been out for rides with his horse and seen the stars at night shining so so vivid and bright, making him want to reach out and join them in the universe.

He hears it calling to him again, but this time, instead of it being a midnight sky, or a green field, or a crashing waterfall, it's a vast red wilderness. Kagami has the presence of the wild, he's the planes, the sky, the trees, the howl of a wild wolf echoing into the night, or a lion's roar rolling over the hills like a war cry. He's everything. He's the wilderness.

And when it calls, Aomine will answer.


Notes: Thank you to those who have read this far, I would really appreciate it if you could comment or like this, I would love LOVE that. Again, thanks, and I hope you enjoy. I'm not good at this, so.... thanks, bye!

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