011. awkward situation and a party

Start from the beginning

"I'll get my things." Denise says. "I'll see you later." She tells Cheyenne before walking back to the kitchen.

"Bye." Cheyenne calls out to her, rolling her eyes once the woman's gone. "I'm gonna go."

"There's a very good explanation." Cordell says, following Cheyenne to the door.

"You don't have to explain anything. I'm not getting caught up in Walker drama." Cheyenne says, letting out a small laugh. "I'm gonna go."

"Cheyenne, wait, wait." Cordell reaches over her to shut the door. Cheyenne rolls her eyes and turns to him.

"Cordi?" Denise calls, walking back out.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"LBJ Suite's waiting." Denise says.

Cheyenne rolls her lips into her mouth, awkwardly nodding.

"Better go. Your suite's waiting, lover boy." Cheyenne quietly quips, Cordell able to spot disgust in her eyes before she leaves.

Cheyenne takes deep breaths as she walks back to her car, trying to rub the tight feeling in her chest away, frowning at the sudden nausea.


August, Randy, and Todd are playing horseshoes against Faye and a couple of her friends. Taylor sits at the table with Stella and two more girls.

"So, what's up with you and Todd?" One of the girls ask the redhead.

"Nothing, exactly." Stella says. "But he's been sweet, and he seems fun. I don't really know him that well, so I thought we'd hang out today, but..." She motions over to the boys. "Augie needs good memories for a change. But I can't let this bro-out get all consuming." She says making the four laugh.

"Hey, don't you guys live next to the Burned Luck Barn?" The second girl asks.

"What, the Davidsons?" Stella asks.

"Yeah. Have you ever been?" Ava asks. "It sounds creepy, but you can make Todd go with you." She smirks.

"Smart." Taylor comments, looking at Stella who smiles. The Walker girl gets up and walks over to the boys, getting Todd's attention, the younger two still focused on the game.

Todd follows Stella off.

"Wha-- Todd." August calls.

"Dude, come on!" Randy calls out.

"They're heading over to the barn." Taylor informs as Faye and Kenzie walk over, their other friend going to get a drink.

"Dude, we were winning! Really?" August calls out after Todd.

"Come on." Randy groans.

"Didn't someone... burn alive there?" Faye asks.

"Yeah, but, like, a really long time ago." August says.

"The bad luck coming from Burned Luck Barn transcends time." Kenzie says.

"What are you talking about?" August asks.

"You guys don't know this?" Kenzie asks.

"Sounds stupid, so... no." Randy shrugs.

"Anyone who steps foot in there, brings bad luck on their entire family." Kenzie says.

"Huh. You know, that could actually make sense." Randy says. August gives him a confused look. "Your dad's been in there... and your lives kinda suck. No offense."

"Some taken." August says.

"Oh, no. I guess we gotta go save Stella from her doomed fate." Faye says.

"Yeah, let's go see how ridiculous this Burn Luck Barn story is." August agrees, the four walking off.


They're at the barn and August starts to climb to the top of the barn.

"Dude, I really wouldn't." Randy says.

"I got it." August assures.

"August, what are you doing?" Stella questions, rushing over with Todd.

"Don't go up there." Faye says.

"Dad's gonna kill me if you get hurt." Stella says.

"How's the weather down there?" August asks.

"Come on, bro, what are you doing?" Todd asks.

"Augie, seriously, just get down." Randy says.

"This is ridiculous." Stella says.

"It's fine, it's fine." August assures.

"Come on, get down!" Faye tells him.

"This is crazy! Come on." Stella calls up as August reaches the top.

"I'm taking all your records if you die up there." Randy warns.

"See, guys?" August says, standing on top of the barn. "It's all right, just your average burnt out old barn." He walks back and falls through the roof, landing on the ground.



The group rush to him, Faye helping him up.

"Are you okay?" Stella asks.

"Please don't be dead, little buddy." Todd says.

"I told you this devil barn was bad luck." Kenzie says.

"Oh, it's just a weak roof, dude." Randy says.

"Are you okay? You had us all so worried." Faye says, hugging August.

"Yeah. I'm fine, Faye." August assures. "Wait here." He tells them before walking behind Faye. They watch as he digs under a few pieces of wood and pulls out an old lantern.

"What is that?" Stella asks.

"Why is there a lantern with our family brand on the Davidsons' property?" August asks his sister, holding the lantern sideways so she can see the "W" on the bottom of it.


The kids all got back to the party. The girls and August are gathered around talking while Todd is helping with the grill.

Stella taps her brother on the arm making him follow her gaze to find their grandparents and Trey.

"Oh, shit." Taylor mumbles, seeing the two, rushing over to where Randy is.

Trey leaves and the they hear the grill shut.

"Hey, hey! Party's over! Go! Go!" Todd exclaims, all the teenagers rushing off.

"We will get in touch after our death sentence." Randy says as Taylor drags him off the property.

"Don't trip and fall and break your necks." Abilene calls out.

"You think they recognized us?" Randy asks as the two siblings get to the car.

"What do you think?" Taylor questions, raising an eyebrow.

"...Yeah." Randy frowns.

"Get in the car." Taylor hisses, the two quickly climbing into the vehicle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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