011. awkward situation and a party

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Cheyenne pulls up to the Walker house and gets out of her car. She walks up and knocks on the door. She hesitates before opening the door.

"Hello?" She calls out.

"Uh... Ch-Cheyenne, hey." Cordell gives her a confused look.

"Hi." She says.

"What, uh, what are you doing here?" He asks, weirdly pronouncing each syllable.

"Wondering why you're so weird." Cheyenne says, earning an offended look. "But I'm actually here for my mom. She said your mom was gonna give her some jam or something, I don't know. Abilene said I could let myself in when I got here. I just knocked to-- cause I was a little scared of breaking a rule."

"You let yourself in all the time when we were kids." Cordell says.

"Yeah, but... you know, we were kids, so..." Cheyenne says. "Anyways, um, is your mom--"

"She-- she's not home right now." Cordell says.

"You nail your hand yet?" Cheyenne asks, nodding to the tool belt. Cordell lets out a forced laugh. "Seriously, though, just gimme the jam and I'm gone."

"I don't-- you're just gonna have to come back later." Cordell says. 

"Okay." Cheyenne shrugs. "Oh, but, look, I know you're the peacemaker, but what was with Gale's speech? Especially cause I know Stella is the main reason that horse is fucking alive. And who names a chili after the cause of death of her husband?"

"I don't-- Gale Davidson, I guess." Cordell says. "I just-- I have a lot of things going on right now, so I just--"

"Right." Cheyenne nods, starting to leave. "Oh, but also. Word from Geri -- you have a lot of numbers in the tip jar to call. You are popping off, my friend."

"That-- okay." Cordell says. "But now still really isn't a good time. I-I'll tell my mom you came by and you guys can schedule a jam exchange later."

"Okay, but why are you being so weird?" Cheyenne asks as Cordell tries to lead her to the door.

"I-I'm not. What?" He scoffs.

"Okay, weirdo." Cheyenne rolls her eyes. "Oh, also, sorry, but Randy was wondering if Augie could spend the night this weekend. I wanted to run it by you first. I didn't know--"

"Cheyenne?" They both turn to Denise as she walks out of the kitchen, putting her blazer on. Cheyenne freezes mid-sentence at the woman's presence, looking up at Cordell. "Good to see you. How are you?" 

"Ye-yeah. Hi, Denise." Cheyenne forces a smile at the woman.

"Hi. What are-- what are you doing here?" Denise asks making Cheyenne raise her eyebrows and bite back a comment.

"I, uh... just on an errand for my mom." Cheyenne says. "But his mom's not here, so the errand is useless because he doesn't know anything about said errand." She says, grimacing for a moment at the tight feeling in her chest.

"But I-- I didn't know he had company." Cheyenne says, looking up at Cordell, a mix of emotions in her eyes not letting him try to decipher any. "Sorry for interrupting... whatever thing this is. Even if it's giving... very bad signs."

"There's no-no thing. Nothing is--" Cordell shakes his head, knowing what it looks like.

"No, no. She's right. She's right." Denise says, rubbing Cordell's shoulder. "I mean, this is a-- it's a private moment."

"Yeah. Looks like it." Cheyenne scoffs. "Okay, well, I'll see you later. I'll be back for the jam and stuff. Just, uh, text me about Augie, I guess, or-or the boys can figure it out."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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