Chapter 4: Don't let go

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Tom Blake's POV.

The impact of the blast hits me like a ton of bricks.

Pain and shock course through my body as I feel the aftermath of the explosion set in. My body slides down the walI I was thrown against. The only thing in my world for 10 agonizing seconds is darkness and ringing. Finally, I start registering my surroundings. The air is filled with dust, and there's rubble everywhere. We need to get out of here.

I need to make sure Schofield is ok.

“Scho?” I call out trying to look for him; I can't; everything is too blurry.

My eyes sting, I bring my hands up to my face and rub them. My vision clears ever so slightly. I'm able to make out the bunker through my watery eyes. Now to check on him-

Turning my gaze to where Schofield was standing, panic floods my body. There's a pile of rubble where Schofield once stood.

I hear a muffled scream coming from the rocks.

My body starts moving on its own. somewhere in the back of my head, I hear my voice screaming his name as I feel my hands violently sift through the endless debris. The only thing on my mind was schofields safety.

He needed to be alright.

I needed him to be alright.

I hear his screams start to fade, and anxiety creeps up on me. My screams become louder and desperate. He goes completely quiet under the rubble. I choke up. I claw at the rocks in a frenzy as they scrape against my skin. my hands start to hurt.

I feel skin brush against my fingers soft and warm, a welcome contrast to the cold, jagged rocks. I look down and see his face it's coated in a thick layer of dust.

I yell louder, he's not waking up. It motivates me to dig faster. Uncovering the rest of him as quickly as possible, ignoring the gnawing pain in my fingers. I finally grab hold of him and heave him out from the rubble.

“Scho please wake up!” I shout,holding him in my arms.

“Wake up, Scho! please!”  I shake him frantically; nothing.

Dread takes hold of me. I hesitantly bring my quivering hand to the nape of his neck…..

I feel him weakly take in breaths.

It feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Scho..." I sigh, staring at him while trying to catch my breath. I move my hand up to his face and lightly brush the dust off his eyes and cheeks with my thumbs.

The whole bunker rumbles.

I realize we need to get out of here before the whole thing caves in.

“Scho we have to go now!” Finally, his eyes flicker open there red, watery, and unfocused.

The bunker quakes again.

I realize it's now or never.

“Scho this whole place is going down. Get up, we have to go!” I say, frantically; as I stand up, pulling him to his feet. He stumbles and holds onto my tunic for dear life.

The walls shake again more violently than the previoustimes, bits of debris fall around us.

I see fear flash through his face, which is caked in dust and dirt. “I can't see-” he starts, confused, his words come out raspy from all the dust he inhaled. He breaks out into a coughing fit.

“Just follow me, Scho. I got you okay? Whatever you do, do not let go.” I command as I grab onto Schofields arm.

He barely has time to nod before I start dragging him out of the room.

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