Their eyes bounced from the vampire they had seen before to the two werewolves in the back, slowly but surely the five witches came to some conclusions or as people would call them, 'assumptions'.

After having glanced at each witch Kai decides it's time to get it over with.

Sighing he takes a step closer and lays his eyes on the witch in the middle, the same one that put that curse on him.

"Glad to see me? I'm sure you are. This is Jimin, the other person who touched your symbol now please listen to what we have to say. It is very important and I'm more than sure it also involves your kind whether you want to deny it or not-"


The omega tenses when his name is said by the witch at the center. She had her eyes basically glued to him the entire time Kai was speaking and even now her eyes hadn't left the omega making Jimin somewhat creeped out.

Jungkook clenched his jaw as he tried to stop from growling at the witches that kept staring at Jimin. He knew he was overreacting since they weren't even doing anything yet that didn't stop his wolf from getting agitated.

It was the witch all the way to the right that spoke after, the one that looked much younger than the rest.

"I- can you come up? We need to touch your hand in order to know if you truly were the other person that uh touched our symbol."

Kai furrows his brows when he hears that, she stuttered a couple times making him question her actual intentions.

"Oh... um ok..." Jimin quietly responded, he wasn't sure if it was totally necessary but he wasn't going to oppose given the fact that they were basically surrounded by them.

As he is about to take a small step he halts when the vampire speaks again at the same time the alpha takes a small hold of his pinky to pull him back towards him.

"Quit bluffing." Kai states as he narrows his eyes on the young-looking witch.

The witches slightly furrow their brows at the vampire after they turn away from the pair.

"You all know he was the one who broke the curse, plus you didn't have to touch me in order to know I touched it so there is no need to put your hands on him either. But that brings another question. Why do you want to?"

The youngest looking witch opens her mouth to just close it, not knowing how to answer making the witch at the center speak up.

"You know nothing. Don't come in our territory to interrogate us. Now speak or we'll kick you all out."

That causes all of the witches to turn to the one at the center almost as if they thought she had other plans.

Kai rolls his eyes but speaks nonetheless.

He explains everything that had happened and how and why he thinks they are involved. Jimin having already known most of it stays quiet with his head down while the alpha furrows his brows at every part since there was so much he didn't even know. He has so many questions and is even a little upset that the omega didn't tell him until today. Jungkook knew about some things here and there but most of the things were new to him. He wanted to ask the omega some questions but maybe it just wasn't the right time so he kept quiet.

After finishing the room is silent for just a few seconds before the main witch speaks leaving the three boys stunned at how straightforward she was.

"If you haven't heard we make deals with all kinds of creatures. This was just a small deal we made with two werewolves. They came to us with an offer and we accepted."

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