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"Do you wanna get high?"


"Do you wanna get high? I just got some weed from Joe."

"Yeah, sure," Heather answered. She didn't know why she was answering the way she was. She felt nervous.

Kit broke into a devilish grin as he reached for his paper, grinder, and tray.

"Do you wanna roll the blunt or should I?" Kit asked, offering her the tray.

Heather shrugged. "I've never rolled a blunt. I've only smoked joints," she responded nervously

Kit chuckled. "Do you want me to teach you?"

"Yeah, sure," Heather repeated, tripping over her words.

"Ok. So this is the paper, we roll the blunt in that. This is our weed, which we grind with the grinder. The most important part is grinding the weed evenly, or else the blunt won't burn evenly,".

Heather nodded, attentively listening to Kit's explanation.

Once Kit finished his explanation, he handed Heather the tray to put in her lap. She slowly followed his directions as she ground the weed only a few times and opened the cap.

She picked up the blunt paper, wet her finger with her spit, and ran it along the edge of the paper.

She furrowed her brows in concentration as she began to sprinkle the weed into the paper, making sure to keep it even like Kit had instructed.

Once she began to roll it, however, things went downhill.

The first time, Kit dropped his phone, causing Heather to jump and spill the weed back onto the tray.

The second time, Heather tilted the paper too much, causing all the weed to spill out of the bottom

The third time, Kit made Heather laugh so hard, she almost dropped the unrolled blunt on the floor.

The fourth time, Kit decided to help Heather. He got up from his spot on the bed and walked around so he was facing her back.

He snaked his arms around Heather's waist and grabbed her hands, beginning to guide her fingers with his own as she tried to prevent herself from going into cardiac arrest.

He filled the paper with the weed and lifted his fingers to Heather's mouth.

"Come on, I need to seal the edge," he encouraged.

She blushed as she hesitantly licked the tip of his finger, causing him to let out a low chuckle.


She felt her resolve fall apart with that one word. She couldn't get over the way he leaned down and whispered in her ear. She thought she was going to combust on the spot.

Kit finished the blunt and pulled away as if nothing had happened. "Come on," he motioned to her as he opened his window. "I don't want my room to smell like weed,".

Kit climbed out the window, blunt and lighter in hand as Heather followed. The two sat on his roof as they waited for the blunt to dry.

Heather shivered. It probably wasn't the best idea to show up in a thin tank top and boxer shorts but in her defense, it was 2 am and she didn't want to change.

"Are you cold?" Kit asked. "I can go get you a sweatshirt."

Heather laughed. "Yeah, a sweatshirt would be great. I'm about to freeze my tits off," she joked, finally feeling normal.

He chuckled as he ducked back into his room. She could hear him rummaging through his drawers and saw his head peek out of the window

"Black or gray?"

"Gray," Kit nodded at her answer and climbed back out of the window.

Heather accepted the large sweatshirt gratefully as she threw it over her head and pulled her arms through the sleeves, bunching them so she could use her hands

"Ooh! Lemme take a picture for instagram," Heather asked. kit nodded and she propped up her phone, setting it on a timer as she wrapped her arms around him, leaning her chin on his shoulder.

As Heather went to retrieve her phone, Kit lit the blunt and took a hit, blowing out the smoke with a sigh.

Heather sat back down and Kit silently passed the blunt to her, allowing her to take a breath.

The two smoked mostly in silence, listening to each other's breaths as they passed the blunt between themselves.

Heather turned to face the blonde, opening her mouth to say something, yet she was met with silence.

She found herself staring at his side profile, her eyes dragging down his body before she snapped out of her daze and shifted her head forward.

"Hey, Kit."


Heather hesitated as she pulled her knees under the sweatshirt. "Do you like anybody?"

Heather mentally scolded herself. what the fuck kind of question was that?

"Not really."

Fuck. Why did Kit say that when he knew it was so obviously a lie?


Fuck. She sounded too disappointed. Heather thought she was going to give away her secret.

"Well, I do."

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐬 - kit connorWhere stories live. Discover now