The Water Park Pt. 3

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Molly's stomach was getting the better of her. Her bowels were losing the battle right at the end of the road. She was right in front of the bathroom entrance. She was shaking. Her anus trying to keep clenched. The pain in her stomach worsening. She couldn't hold it in much longer.

"N-no. . ."




A small amount of diarrhea squirted out of her before she tensed up once again. She shot up and placed both hands on her butt as she raced into the bathroom, leaving the waste puddle behind. She ran in to see nobody else in there. She rushed into the nearest stall and slammed her ass on the toilet.


Sickly yellowish brown waste began firing out of her in the water, staining it immediately. Molly started panting heavily in a cold sweat as the contents of her ass exploded into the toilet.


She doubled over, squeezing her rolling stomach. It was still aching terribly.

"Oh God. What the fuck was in those tacos!?" She groaned to herself as she continued to release more of the liquid devil within her.


She kept panting. The pain in her stomach began to subside. She let out a faint sigh, reaching for the toilet paper. She wiped her ass and looked at the mess she left behind in the the toilet. A gross, watery soup of yellowish brown waste. The smell was even worse than the look. The scent of rotting fish and old vegetables filled the air. She flushed and went to go wash her hands. As she was washing her hands, however, she felt an all too familiar cramp in her stomach as she quickly placed her hand on it it.

"Oh fuck. I'm not done." She said dreadfully as she ran back to the toilet and exploded once again


More diarrhea started pouring out of her. Her anus burned as she kept releasing more burning hot waste. She started tearing up.

"Why!? Why won't it stop!?" She yelled.


*Please make it stop!* she yelled as she kept releasing more waste.


She was breathing heavily. She was rubbing her stomach. The pain had definitely subsided now.

"It's. . . over" she said, panting.

Suddenly, she heard the door open

"Hey, Molly? Are you in here?" Jenna said.

Molly didn't want to say anything, but felt she had no choice.

"Yeah." She said sheepishly.

Jenna and Ashley walked over and opened the stall door.

"Hey, hun. Are you feeling alright?" Ashley asked.

"No, not really. Some kid stole my bottoms, I shit on the floor out there, and practically shit my guts out in here." Molly said, tearfully. "It's just so embarrassing." Molly started crying into her hands.

"Hey now, don't cry, Molly. Everything's gonna be okay. Besides, we got something for you." Jenna said. Molly looked up and saw Jenna holding up Molly's bottoms.

"Hey, how'd you find them?" Molly asked, taking them from Jenna.

"We saw some kid running around with them and though they looked familiar. So we reported him to the lifeguard and had him and his family kicked out. You should've seen the look on his parents faces. They were pissed." Ashley said, chuckling.

Jenna and Molly chuckled too.

"Alright, I guess I better clean up." Molly said. She wiped, flushed, and wash her hands once again and finally put her bottoms back on. They still had a faint brown stain on them, however.

"So what do you want to do now, Molly?" Ashley asked.

"Honestly? Let's just go back to the hotel. I'm probably gonna be kicked out of here anyway since I ran around half naked and shit on the floor." Molly said.

"You know, that probably for the best." Jenna said.

"Yeah." Ashley said.

So the three of them met up with Alex and Bryce and they all went back to the hotel. Molly didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.


But she still had the runs for most of it.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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