How all that happened

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"You find yourself in a few dangerous situations, kind of like the one that is happening right now." A voice said

A green gigantic dog thingy comes to the scene. And it pauses

"Wait. That's not me."

The scene changes to a girl with antlers and a gothic kind of look.

"That's me. My name is y/n. And the rest of the others are my human friends. You probably might be wondering what we're doing while saving the world from a huge creature of unimaginable horror." The girl said

The girl then runs to one of the legs of the giant dog and jumped off while screaming while also falling and the scene freezes

"Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation. So you're probably even wondering on how things got to this point." She said with a smirk

"Let's do a recap." She continued

We start off in a laboratory. A very weird one

"It all started on a night, or day, just like this. The night I was created. Dick Dastardly had created me using a mix of human and animal DNA. It was then, that in a few hours later, I was born. He offered me to stay with him, unless if I did his bidding."

A girl with antlers comes in, trying her best to help the villain

"How's that?" She asked

"Eh. Better." He muttered

"See, he doesn't even seem to like me. I can tell, but the truth is, I've always felt a little different. From the very beginning. I never felt like I'd fit in. And I've always wanted to see what the outside world was like. One day, we were try to steal gold from an unknown portal. Dick suggested that one of us had to get the gold. He offered me the choice, but didn't agree to it. So his companion, Muttley, decided to cover for me."

The dog then entered the portal, but something happened

"But something went wrong. And the portal had closed. We got into an argument afterwards, and he blamed me for everything. I knew right from the start this guy was a villain, fraud, and a totally phony. And despite all that happened, Dick had demanded control of me and I gratefully refused to submit to his request. That night, when he was sleeping, I stole a flight suit, grabbed a rope, carefully and quietly opened the hatch. And made my silent escape, flying into the night sky, never to return to him again."

Y/n continued to fly until she sees some lights

"I found some lights coming from the distance, and I got a bit both lucky and unlucky."

"The lucky part was that it was a city. Very nice one from the looks of it. The unluckily part was that I still had my antlers intact, and I had keep them a secret."

She decided to do an incantation she learned. She's still a young girl, but she's still learning

She said the words quietly, and her antlers had faded away. But if she stressed out about her secret, they would come back. That was part of the deal

"I decided to take a little walk one night. And everyone was wearing costumes, it was Halloween night. As I continued, people began to wonder if I was knew here. But suddenly I heard what sounded like a thump. It was coming from an old alleyway and I went to take a look."

Y/n takes a look and finds a ghost. The ghost attacked her and scratches the side of her face.

"AAAAAH! I screamed, it scratched my face! What is wrong with my face?! And then it threw me into a wall. As I fell, and my vision was blurry, I heard a few voices. They sound like little kids. As I woke up I saw them for the first time in my life. Young kids. They're names were Shaggy, Scooby or scoob, who was surprisingly a talking dog, Fred, Daphne, and Velma."

Shaggy bent down covering my face with bandages, while Daphne held a hand on my shoulders

And y/n smiled

"That's when I found my new life. Whenever they would ask about me or where I came from, I would have to lie about it. What would they think of me if they found out I'm a wendigo?"

As time went on, I began to take a liking to the humans.

I grew up with them and seem to view them as my family

No stress

No antlers

Just fun having mysteries

Though it seemed like it was going to be the same old thing all year

Til one fateful day...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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