Fears to Fathom Finale

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Lee and Choji were currently trying to find anyone for the whole time they were in the forest they heard screaming or explosions which scared them.

Lee then spotted something as he quickly pulled Choji behind a tree as both of them saw a Giant rat and spider was eating something.

Choji took a closer look and saw Shino head covered in blood as both him and Lee vomited at the gruesome scene.

Slowly they both backed away from the scene until the bumped into somebody

Both of them turned around and saw Neji as they calmed down

Did you find the forbidden scroll" Neji asked as Choji and Lee shook their heads.

Where is Shikamaru" Choji asked wondering why his best friend wasn't with Neji.

He said this was to troublesome and threw himself of a cliff" Neji said as everyone sweatdrop at what the heard.

Oh Shit" Neji screamed as a bullet lodges itself in Choji head killing him.

Lee took off his weights and grabbed Neji as he ran away.

Neji activated his Kekkei Genkai in hopes of finding anyone else but the fog for some reason didn't allow him to see anything

Lee was running until he and Neji bumped into someone as they saw a frantic Karin and Natsumi looking for their glasses.

Please tell me it's not another clown" Karin said crying.

Neji grabbed Karin and Natsumi glasses and gave it to them as the twins put it on and immediately hugged Neji and Lee.

Oh thank god we findsomeone we know" Natsumi said as Neji pushed her off him.

Did you find the scroll" Lee asked as Karin let go of him.

Umm about that" Karin said as she and Natsumi motioned for Lee and Neji to follow them.

Leading them through what seems like a temple Neji and Lee saw the forbidden scroll but the problem was that it was surrounded by Three titans.

Leading them through what seems like a temple Neji and Lee saw the forbidden scroll but the problem was that it was surrounded by Three titans

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Oh fuck no I ain't messing that" Neji said covering Lee mouth as he was about to scream.

We found a weakness" Natsumi said as Karin took this opportunity to explain.

The titans are strong but the only focus on one person so three of us need to distract the thing while the other person sneaks in and take the scroll" Karin said.

But wait Natsumi why don't you use the shadow to distract those unyouthful monsters" Lee asked.

We tried but the fog has some mysterious power in it that won't allow me to use the shadow clone" Natsumi said.

And also the forbidden scroll up there is a fake" Karin said as Neji and Lee were surprised.

Think about it why would aunty Tsunade put something as valuable as the forbidden scroll on this island especially since Kakashi know that this island exists" Natsumi said.

Lee and Neji realised this as they knew that putting the forbidden scroll on the island was to risky.

And besides when Mizuki decided to play traitor and tricked me into stealing the forbidden scroll i my or my not have copied all the techniques into Twelve scrolls" Natsumi grinned as everyone including Karin were speechless.

(Scene Change)

Back in Konoha Tsunade jaw dropped once she learned that Natsumi copied all the techniques in the original forbidden scroll as the exam she putted them through was basically useless.

Damn she has the smarts of Minato and the Cunningness of Kushina" Tsume said.

So the exams was basically useless" Hiashi said.

At least Konoha twelve managed to get rid of their fear to some degree" Iruka said everyone agreed with him.

(Scene Change)

Natsumi paled at the killer intent that was radiating off of Neji, Lee and Karin as she took a step back.

You mean to tell me we ran away from those clowns just to get that fake forbidden scroll when you twelve copies back home" Karin said.

Bad Natsumi you are most unyouthful" Lee said.

Why are we even here" Neji said as Natsumi decided to use her finally tactic the crocodile tears.

I'm sorry aunty Tsunade said to not tell any of you as she said it was a test to get rid of your fear" Natsumi said crying as everyone felt bad.

(Back in Konoha)

Damn she use the crocodile tears on them and blamed you for sending them to that island" Tsume snorted as she looked at Tsunade.

Yep she takes after Kushina way to much" Jiraiya said remembering when Kushina used to do the exact same thing on Minato.

Tsunade groaned as she could have sworn she heard the laughter of Kushina and Minato in the afterlife.

(Back to Mystic Island)

Neji, Lee and Karin saw this as the felt bad and apologized to Natsumi who had a small smirk on her face

Well i don't see any reason to stay here" Neji said as he shot himself in the head with a handgun.

Natsumi and Karin saw the gruesome scene as they vomited as Lee ran infront of the titan and got flattened underneath its giant hands.

Natsumi and Karin finished vomiting as they looked up and saw six clowns running at them.

Natsumi and Karin looked at each and ran to the titan as they suffered the same fate as Lee.

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