Chapter 3

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Yall I just reread this and I'm so ready to finish it

"Oh, dear!" said ✨Slay'Queen✨. "I don't know how to h-h-h-h-h-h-hunt!"

"I'll help you," said the IceWing in a very masculine masculiney voice.

"I also don't know how to walk!" ✨Slay'Queen✨ cried out sadly.

"Oh, you poor thing!" said Mango happily, who was happy that happiness was her only emotion.

Just then, the masculine and gorgeous IceWing scooped up her incredibly lightweight and dainty picturesque figure as she stared at his gorgeous face.

"Thank you so much, but..."

"But what?" said the IceWing in an even deeper voice.

"Why are you helping little old me? I'm a useless, ugly dragon. I don't deserve help!"

"Well I think you're beautiful, smart, funny, talented, great-looking, stylistic, polite, appreciative, grateful, beautiful, and above all: perfect." The IceWing gave her a muscle-y smile and put her down on the ground, and even with that meager compliment the IceWing gave her, it gave her a lot of confidence, and she taught herself how to walk and hunt in .030303 seconds.

"Wow!!!" Mango yelled positively. "I can't believe you taught yourself how to do that with that little tiny teeny weeny itsy bitsy almost nonexistent compliment!" she yelled, and ✨Slay'Queen✨ felt better, thanks to her best friend. However, it didn't last long. Because her enemy, Ink'Claw came over.

"Hey, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong talon. I didn't try to make you think you were ugly, you're really very pretty. I'm insecure about some stuff too, obviously, but can we start over?"

Since ✨Slay'Queen✨is so trusting and friendly, she said,

"I-i-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i donn't k-k-k-k-k-know. I'm really sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shy. And if I don't want to be hurt that b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-badly again. Ssorry I don't want you to think I'm untrusting". Mango nodded while giving ✨Slay'Queen✨ a big smile, telling her that that was the right move.

"Jeez, I didn't realize you were that offended... I really didn't mean anything bye it, I was just trying to introduce myself."

"Yeah, we KNOW, it's all about YOU, but maybe take into consideration someone ELSE'S FEELING for a change." Mango said, taking charge. ✨Slay'Queen✨ was so beautifully grateful and stunned a beautiful pose. Mango shed a tear for how happy she was to be her friend.

"...are you crying? I'm sorry, but I didn't even say anything this time" Ink'Claw asked a little awkwardly, because she was obviously a very awkward dragon and a sadistic jerk.

"DIDN'T YOU JUST HEAR ME! IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU! I'M CRYING BECAUSE OF HOW BEAUTIFUL SHE IS!" ✨Slay'Queen✨ stroke another beautiful pose and Mango shed another tear. Ink'Claw went silent. Then, she said,

"I didn't know you guys were in THAT kind of relationship. I mean I'm not against it, you do you, boo and all that, but I just assumed that, like, you were already dating that IceWing and stuff-"

✨Slay'Queen✨ gave a dainty little faint and everyone crowded around her, shoving Ink'Claw to the ground, trying to see if ✨Slay'Queen✨was okay.

"AHHHHOWOWOW" Ink'Claw yelled in pain, because the IceWing's big strong arm and big strong, masculine, handsome wing pushed her to the ground while trying to see if ✨Slay'Queen✨ was okay. ✨Slay'Queen✨ personally thought it was rude, but since she was too polite to tell her, she just sat there, fainted. But finally, Mango had had it.


"ME??? I'M THE ATTENTIONSEEKER? SHE LITERALLY FAINTED. FOR NO REASON. I DOUBT SHE EVEN REALLY FAINTED. I TRIED BEING NICE BUT YOU GUYS ARE RIDICULOUS!!! I'M OBVIOUSLY HURT! THE BONE. IS STICKING OUT. OF MY ARM! I NEED HELP! I DON'T EVEN NEED YOU ALL TO LIKE ME OR WANT TO HELP ME JUST GET ME TO THE NURSE. NOW!" Mango and the IceWing were about to complain, saying that she was just overreacting and ✨Slay'Queen✨ was their top priority, but since ✨Slay'Queen✨ was so smart and beautiful, she rose up and said,

"I-i-i-i'm a certified nurse. I can help."

"Oh no," was all Ink'Claw could say.

well that's the end hope you enjoyed it :>

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