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Mckenna couldn't get comfortable. The thought of her enjoying the place that KP called her own was unsettling to her. She didn't sleep in the master bedroom; she opted for the guest room she slept in each time she visited. Her bad sleep caught up with her, causing her to oversleep. Aaliyah's loud knock on her door woke her up when her alarm clock failed to.

Mckenna smiled as she sat across from Aaliyah at Cheesecake Factory. She wouldn't go out to a club like Aaliyah wanted, but she couldn't resist the chance to eat Cheesecake Factory. The large menu didn't matter to Mckenna she was addicted to their Buffalo Blast. The chicken bites had just enough kick to them for her. Almost as good as her favorite wing spot back in Florida. She made a mental note to find the best wings in Atlanta. She couldn't live without hot wings.

Aaliyah's hot body added even more spice to Mckenna's taste buds. She was amazed by Aaliyah's transformation. Curiosity was getting the better of her. She wanted to know what Aaliyah was doing at the label, and did she have to fuck for her position, like many women in the company?

The idea of Aaliyah working in the strip club she found her in the year before didn't sit well with Mckenna, and the idea of some exec having his way with her really made Mckenna's blood boil. Aaliyah was sexy beyond words. She could have any woman or man that she wanted.

Mckenna noticed the twinkle in Aaliyah's eyes every time they looked at each other. She wondered why Aaliyah hadn't brought up the scar across her face again since the other day in the car. Mckenna never caught her staring at it, Aaliyah looked at her like she always had. She had to notice it. After all Mckenna could see it in a mirror a mile away.

Dinner went over with success. Mckenna pressed for the secret job of Aaliyah's, but she wouldn't budge. She also never mentioned Mckenna's scar, how she got it, or the woman who came in between them. Mckenna's eyes wandered to Aaliyahs plump breasts. She was by far more attractive than Armani, yet she couldn't see it when she was still devoted to Armani. Love was a son of a bitch.

Mckenna woke up bright and early for her first day at work. She didn't feel like the anxious intern, but this was more pressure. Overnight she had gone from student to executive, and she didn't want to make any mistakes.

Mckenna had her first day outfit laid out and ironed to perfection. She started her normal routine of showering and primping to create her perfect look. Mckenna didn't get the same joy out of getting ready like she used to. No matter how perfect her look was, she knew it wasn't.

She stared at her imperfection. She rubbed her ointment on her scar. The prickly feeling disgusted her. She took the tip of her finger, pressing her finger nail against the scab. A twinge of pain shot through her, but she continued until a piece of the scab lifted. Mckenna sighed, she slowly pulled a piece of the crusty scab off of her face. Most of it didn't hurt, it peeled off easily. She stared at the light-colored spot scar on her face. It wasn't as bad as before, but still was unsightly and didn't belong on her face.

Mckenna sighed. She was able to deal with it better than before, but she knew plastic surgery was in her near future.
Mckenna hated the weather in the South. The humid air was filled with moisture. She could smell the rain that was supposed to fall by afternoon. Mckenna stared at the SoSo Def logo and took a deep breath. Her new life had officially started. She exhaled and opened the door.

"Good Morning, Ms. Murizaki," the cute, young receptionist greeted her. "Hey, Tina. You can call me Mckenna or Kenna or whatever you like." Mckenna smiled. A lot had changed. Last time she was in the office she was treated like any other intern. Now she was called by her last name. Suddenly KillaKenna didn't sound as good as it used to. She wondered, was it time for a new nickname, or even worse, time to start using her government name? "Tina, do you think I should go by another name?"

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