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The bright sun felt like it was burning through Taraji's brain. She quickly closed her eyes. She sat up in the bed. The ache hit her like a sledgehammer to the head. She closed her eyes as tight as she could, but it wasn't keeping the bright light out. She stumbled to the bathroom, felt her way to the sink without turning the light on, opened her eyes and splashed water on her face. What the fuck was I thinking? Taraji said, staring in the darkness.

Taraji turned the hot water on. She slowly pulled her clothes off, letting them fall to the floor. She cautiously stepped into the dark shower. The hot water hit her body with full force. She let the water run down her back.

Taraji pulled the ponytail holder off of her hair. She let her thick hair absorb the water. She made a mental note never to drink again. Thirty minutes later, Taraji decided to venture back into her bright hotel room. The sunlight hurt, but not as bad as it did originally.

Taraji fell back to her bed. She stared at the white stucco ceiling. Thoughts rushed through her mind. What should her next move be? Everyone in her life was off doing amazing things and she was back at square one.

Taraji sat up. She looked around, until she eyed her duffle bag. She walked over and picked the bag up. She threw it on her bed and plopped back down.

She searched through the pockets, trying to remember where she put her cell phone. Her hands roamed through the bag until coming across the thin iPhone Mckenna insisted she get. The screen was black. She turned the phone on, only to be hit with the low battery logo. She grabbed the charger before the phone cut back off. Her fingers hit the screen, dialing her voice mail.

"Hey, boo, just calling to see if you made it to New York. Give me a call. Nic and I are looking for a place. God! How did I let her talk me into staying in Florida? Anywho call me."

Zaria's voice made her smile. At least if she was going to end up back in Florida she had somewhere she could crash.

"Bruh! Why the fuck is Armani on my damn plane? This is some bullshit. Call me."
Taraji pressed delete at Mckenna's drama.

"Taraji, I just wanted to call and check on you."
Taraji recognized Mariah's sweet, but strong voice.
"I'm actually working on something for you right now. It's not basketball, but honestly it might be better. I'll call you in the morning with more."
Taraji was puzzled. She couldn't believe there was anything being better than basketball.

"Denise, this is Tasia."
Fantasia's voice hit her harder than an SUV.
"T'm, well... I have a surprise for you. I will talk to you soon."
Suddenly the previous nights events flooded to her memory. Fantasia wasn't a dream, she was there last night.
Oh my God, what have I done? Taraji thought to herself, remembering the things she said. She could see Fantasia's face as though she was still there, standing in front of her. She saw the tears rolling down Fantasia's face.
Taraji disconnected from her voice mail. Her body felt numb. Not the drunk numb she experienced the night before, but an emotional numbness. Fantasia came for her, and she'd sent her away.

Taraji sank down in her bed. She didn't see how things could get any worse. The hotel phone blared, causing her head to pound. "Hello?" Mariah's stilettos click-clacked on the marble floor of her office building. "Taraji, I have been calling you all day. What is going on with your phone?"
"I didn't have it on. I needed some time to-"
"I'm sorry to cut you off, but I'm on my way into a meeting. I need you to be up and dressed and in the hotel bar at noon. Can you do that for me? "
"Ummm... sure. Why? What's going on?"
"I'll explain when I get there. I think something amazing is headed your way. Just be in that bar. I have to run." Mariah hung the phone up and walked into the meeting room.

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