Killer Killer Part 1

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(Siesta POV)

I told Riku what I had gotten memories of. The girl named Shinobu who seemed to be a doctor, and what the newspaper said.

"...You were a terrorist?"

"At least from what the memory says, Izayoi and I blew up the Eiffel Tower and escaped. That's all I know though. However, if I did agree to do it, then I'm sure it was for a good reason."

"Hmm..." Riku thought, before speaking again, "Izayoi is in my room, but...He's not in a state to talk with people right now. You have that medicine on you, right? If he starts to act up then inject him."


"You'll understand when you see him," Riku said before standing, and we went to his room after making sure no one was in the hall.

There, in his room, was Izayoi sleeping on his bed, asleep.

"Let him rest for now. When he wakes up then you can talk to him. I'll make sure no one comes inside, so take your time."

Riku may have come off as cold, but he was actually a good person at heart I felt. Despite being super manipulative, he seemed to have good intentions, and that was something I could work with.

After a while of waiting in silence, lost in my own thoughts, I noticed Izayoi open his eyes slowly. His eyes were empty, as if drained of life.

"...Izayoi?" I asked

"...That is me, right?"

That was an odd question to ask, but nevertheless, I answered with a firm nod, "Yes. That is who you are."

He sat up, "So, what do you want?"

"Care to explain what happened here first?"

"..." He opened his mouth, but then closed it, "Nothing. Just a bit of a mental breakdown. Stress."

"I know you well enough that you wouldn't bang your head on a wall over and over cause of stress. Tell me what you know."

"I don't know anything."

"Fine. Then let me say my piece first. I got some memories back from a doctor named Shinobu...Apparently, in real life, we were terrorists."

He cracked a slight smile with still-empty eyes, "Is that so? Doesn't sound too bad."

"Be serious. I don't remember that at all. Do you?"

He shook his head, "No. I did some crazy stuff, but nothing of that sort."

"..." This was troublesome. These memories from Shinobu could be a big hint to finding out what happened to me and Izayoi if they are really real. But looking at Izayoi right now, it makes me feel...Bad. It was hard to explain, "Well, I'll be around. I'll check in on you sometime."

I then got up and left, determined to solve this mystery

(Sora POV)

"Motherfucker..." I muttered as I looked at the Ultimate Doctors door. Shiro was with me, looking upset as well. The reason was simple. The door was unlocked, and this time everything was destroyed. No medicine could be used on Izayoi Sakamaki anymore to incapacitate him.

From what I saw, Riku had a spare key, but he was smart enough to not break everything on the off chance Izayoi went full ballistic. Siesta could have, but knowing her she wouldn't waste time making noise and breaking everything if she were playing dead. Which means...

"Brother...I think I know where Shinobu is..." It seems Shiro realized the same thing. 

At some point, Shinobu had joined the game. At the perfect timing, at that.

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