Chapter 6

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Owen Kingston

*not edited

I don't have a fucking clue what just happened. I'm standing in my office speechless as I watch the beauty walk past me and out the door. I don't even have a a chance to reply before she's gone. Adam asked me if she could use my office knowing full well what I do. If she were to find out it would be bad for her. So the fact that Adam would ask such a thing is beyond me. Whoever she was on the phone with, sounded important. Maybe a boyfriend?

I shook my head of the thoughts and walked back towards the table. I turn the last corner and she Adam and his new girlfriend of the week practically fucking in one of my booths. I'm gonna have to knock some sense into his thick skull later.

"Stop fucking in my booth." I say in a pissed off tone. Well, I am pissed off so I don't really give a shit. Adam picks his head up at me and smirks. That prick. He than leans down on her again, what was her name again?, and says something than kisses her. He sits up and gives me glare.

"Where's Maddie?" Her friend looks like she's panicking and about to have a heart attack. Her face looks desperate and like she's about to jump me. I give her a confused glance while I straighten my back and answer her before she goes ape-shit on me. 

"She told me to tell you that she needed to leave." I say boringly. I need a drink.

"Did she say where she was going or who she was on the phone with?" Damn, no wonder why she's with Adam. They are like the same person.

"No." I say and she moves her body off of Adam and reaches into her bag. Adam looks at me confused and I shrug while I take a shot. He gives me a annoyed look and shakes his head. I shrug back.

She pulls her phone out and calls someone. I can't see who but I'm assuming it's Maddie?, was her name?

Yea, I get it. I'm terrible with names. I don't care enough to remember them.

"What the fuck Maddison, Pick up! God damn it!" She's swearing at the phone now. Adam looks concerned and starts to rub her back.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Since when did Adam care about anyone but himself? He's always had 'friends' in the past but it'd be a one night kind of thing and he'd never see them again. But the way he is acting with this girl utterly confuses me. I have never seen him act this way except towards Jana, my maid, also the women who practically raised us both. Although my mom is the best mother anyone could have ever asked for, she was always busy with my father. 

Jana  used to work in my parents house until I moved out and offered her better pay and better benefits. She hated working for my father but she stayed because of my brothers and my mother. She still talks to them and we do a family dinner with the five of us whenever we have time. And by the five of us I mean, Mom, me, Cole, Jana, and dickhead Adam.

"Somethings wrong, I think it's her dad." She tells Adam and he stands up. He grabs his keys and tells her to grab her things. She grabs her bag and sweater but stops and puts her hand on his bicep.

"Are we getting a taxi? Either one of us is too drunk to drive." I could see the realization in Adam's face and he hells 'fuck' and throws his keys back on the table. He than looks at me and gives me that 'I owe you if you do this for me' look.

"Fuck no." I say. I met this girl not even an hour ago and he wants me to do this shit.



"Look, I know you don't know her and you just met her like an hour ago but she needs help. Her at home situation...I'll just say it's not the greatest. I won't go into detail because it's not my story to tell. But...she needs help." He pleads. Fuck me. And fuck him for making me feel guilty. I shake my head.

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