Monoma:Ready to lose Class 1-A?!Class 1-A ignores him

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Monoma:Ready to lose Class 1-A?!
Class 1-A ignores him.
(In this version,Aizawa hasn't taken Shinso on yet.Shinso's still upset and embarrassed about the tournament)
Aizawa:We're goin to split your classes into teams.Teams of class B VS teams of class A.The class with more wins is the winner.
The teams are set.Izuku is on a team with uraraka,Mina,and Mineta.The rounds go,class 1-A wins the first round,but class 1-B wins the next one.The next two rounds actually ended up in ties,so now it's all on the last round, Izuku's round.Izuku and his team are head out, but are immediately ambushed.A swarm of metal clusters fly around them as they try to dodge.
Izuku:Everyone get close!
The team goes to Izuku as he puts his hands out.A field of electricity surrounds them as the metal projectiles stop in place.
Mina:I see them!
Mina points to the left.Izuku sees Yui,Reiko, and Shoda together.
Shoda:Crap!They found us!
Izuku swings his arms as some of the projectiles go towards the trio.Thankfully,they get out of the way in time.But as they try to recover,uraraka and Izuku appear above them,with the rest of the projectiles.Izuku puts his hands up as the metals come together to create a ball of clustered metals.
Yui:We have to run!
Mineta:You can try!
Mineta throws some balls as the trio tries to avoid them.The three run away,but are cut off by Mina,who is sliding across the ground.She playfully waves her finger.
Mina:No no no.
The trio takes some steps back,but they stop in place as they feel their feet stick to something. They look down to see their feet on mineta's pop off balls.Izuku and uraraka float down to the ground together.
Shoda:Monoma!Do it now!
The 1-A team was confused.Izuk looks around and sees a wave of gigantic metal projectiles heading towards them.
Izuku:Look out!
The team looks to see Monoma boarding on top of a large metal screw.
Monoma:Hahaha!What will you do now class 1-A?!
As the projectiles fly towards them,Mina steps in front and puts her hands forward.She releases a large wave of acid,as the metal's projectiles are hit by the wave,they melt and turn liquid instantly.
Izuku:Eat this!
Izuku launches the metal cluster ball at Monoma,Monoma tries to dodge,but a purple ball suddenly launches into his face.
Mineta:Eat that sucker!
The metal ball hits Monoma dead on and firsts him across the area.Finally,the ball buries Monoma into a wall,unconscious.The three students jaws drop as they look at class 1-A.
Izuku:So?Are you guys going to come quietly?
The there students nod their heads and put their arms up.One by one,the class 1-B students are escorted to jail.
Aizawa:Class 1-A is the winner of this little event.
As the class celebrates,Aizawa calls Izuku over.
Izuku:Yes sensei?
Aizawa:Midoriya...we need to talk.
Aizawa speaks in a strict tone as his quirk activates.
Aizawa proceeds to chew Izuku out for his performance.
Aizawa:You may have won,but you were out of control.
Izuku:What's that mean?
Aizawa:Not everyone is some superhuman like the Nomu or Shigaraki.Monoma got hurt pretty bad from that attack you used,so now he's gonna need some serious medical attention.I know that you didn't think it'd hurt him that bad,but just remember,not everyone's as tough as you or the other people you've fought.
Izuku:Understood sir.
As Izuku walks back to his class,midnight claps her hands together and gets their attention.
Midnight:Alright everyone,if you could please follow me!
Class 1-A follows midnight outside the school to the back of it.They see a small stage with a pedestal at the front.They also see Mount lady.
Midnight:Alright everyone,as you go out into the world,you're going to get famous.
Mount lady:And that's why we're here!We're gonna teach your guys a little something about showboating.Step up,show us some of your moves,and answer some questions.Simple as that.
One by one,the students step up and answer questions.Izuku however,is completely rigid and frozen.
Izuku:I-I-I-I'm g-g-glad.
Kirishima:How'd he learn to use my hardening?!
Kacchan:He's just REALLY shy.
Mount lady:Okay okay,just try showing some of your moves.
Izuku called down and loosens up.He begins to show his moves.He molds fire between his hand and then pulls them apart,creating an arrow of fire.

What if deku had a quirk?Version 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ