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Ben went off with his runners after telling me a bit more about the glade. It was dinner time and everyone was lining up to get food. I got in the back of the line.
"Thanks Fry." I tel him thankfully, surprised barley any gladers thanked him.
"No problem greenie!" He smiled, his smile was one of those that made everyone else happy.

As all the boys circled around the fire I went and sat against a tree away from everyone else facing the fire and all the boys. I took the apple of my plate and bit into it setting the stew down for Kodak, who was clearly very hungry, he dug into the bowl, I felt bad I didn't know how long it had been scene he last ate, all I knew is that I was starving so he must've been to. I wished I had more than an apple but I would survive.

I looked up from Kodak and saw Ben wave me over to who he was sitting with, I nodded and stood up making a detour to drop off my plate first sneaking a pice of bread to give to Kodak, who took the bread happily,
"You could've asked I woulda gave it to you"
"Oh sorry Fry, I didn't see you there!" I was suprised looking up seeing him in the corner washing the dishes
" I know you didn't Limabean."
" Limabean?" I asked puzzled.
" Better that greenie tho right?" Fry says in such an uppity tone proud he came up with the nickname.
"Yea...I like it!" I really did like it.
"Get outta here and enjoy the bonfire!"

I smiled and walked towards Ben as I heard the one known as Minho talking to him and the other runners
"For shuck sake Ben your such a slinthead! Why didn't you tell me your sister was so hot!"
"Shut up Minho, how was even saposed to know she was gonna get out here"
I shivered a bit and then sat down in between Ben and Minho.
"You cold Rems?" Ben asked
"Yeah a lil I'll be alright tho."

I found a ball on the ground and threw it for Kodak who was eager to play fetch, after a few rounds I threw ball right in eyebrows path who I learned goes by Gally.
"WOOPS!" I said knowing he was gonna be upset.
"I'm guessing you've met Gally." Ben asked
"Yeah he's a duche." I started causing the whole circle of runners to laugh
"Just don't let him here you say that green
bean!" A random glader warned.

"HEY SHANK WATCH WHERE YOUR THROWING YOUR BALL!" Eyebrows yelled while pushing Kodak out of the way of his path. This pissed me off. I stood up
"Uh oh, the second somebody messes with Kodak it's game on." Ben whispered to Minho.
"What do ya mean game on?" Minho questioned puzzled.
"You'll see.." Ben answered to concentrated with what was about to go down.

I was so infuriated, ready to knock him to the ground again.
"I'd like to see you try!" Gally responded smugly. I was so over him. I let out a sigh
"I'm sorry, wasn't I the one who had you rolling one the ground the first few seconds of my arrival?" I asked him this knowing it would embarrass him
"Dayummmm this girl is UNSTOPPABLE!" Minho said with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"Come on little girl, I'll tell you what you beat me in this fight, I leave your dog alone. If I beat you, well things stay how they are." Gally stated all of this with confidence assuming his victory. "Rules are simple, first one to pin the other down on the ground for 10 seconds wins. Simple." I scoffed "ok, fine. But WHEN I win you give me one of your meals tomorrow so me and Kodak can both eat." Gally laughed "when YOU win? Ok so we're adding things on. IF you win sure, but when I win you will give me one of your meals so you and your dog can't eat." The confidence in his voice made me sick I was so ready to beat down his ego.

"Holy shuck! Remingtons gonna get her ass beat by Gally!" Minho said with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Nahh, Rems is gonna be fine, it's Gally we should worry about!" Ben said this with confidence in his voice knowing I was going to win. A circle of boys formed around us some boys rooting for me others for Gally.
"Common girl don't be afraid to take the first hit." Gally said this engulfed in his ego while bouncing on his feet, ready to move.
"Nah lady's first, I ain't scared of a lil contact."

I smirked and cracked my knuckles waiting for Gally to come towards me, witch he did that comment made him rather angry. But this tall boys moves were very predictable, he quickly ran towards me a swiftly moved to the right just in time and he ran into the boys who pushed him back into the circle.

Ben had said something to me and I turned my head looking at him annoyed
"Can't you see I'm busy??!!!"  He gave me a sorry look before his eyes went wide, I suddenly remembered I was in a very important fight but before I turned back around Gally had pushed me to the ground I landed on my stomach with his foot on on my back beginning to count

He got cut off when I quickly turned over and kicked him in the leg sending him down with a hard thud. He rolled over and pinned me down he held my arms up over my head.
"Thought you had me huh?" Gally stated this in them most DISGUSTING ego filled tone that made me want to gag.

I looked up and saw Minho tense up, jealous? No we haven't even spoken to each other. Before Gally could get to ten once again I kneed him where it hurt causing him to losen his grip I pushed him in the ground and now I was on top of him with one hand on his chest the other on his face pushing it into the dirt. I heard the boys go crazy.
"!" I counted extra slow just to run it in Gallys' face "looks like I'll be taking your dinner tomorrow, thank you very much" I said this while getting up satisfied with my fight.

The circle dispersed leaving Gally boiling mad and me walking towards Ben who had Kodak next to him holding his harness so he didn't run to me in the middle of the fight.

"That was for you" I say while leaning down ruffling Kodaks head of fur.
"Told ya shuck faces my sisters a bad ass!" Ben said this with a proud tone while ruffling my thick long brown hair. "None of them believed me Rems"
"Ofcource we didn't, look at her Ben! She looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly!" Minho said sarcastically.
"Oh she wouldn't!" Ben said this leaving the group confused.

The gladers talked and laughed into the night, I smiled and looked into the fire as I sat between Ben and Minho, after talking for a while Minho had ended up next to me instead of on his usual stump. I thought of this being my home, it couldn't be that bad.

WCKDs Challenge (Minho x OC) TMRTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon