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When we awake to the sunlight, Dove and Rory are gone.

I shoot up and look around quickly. "Sea." I try. "Sea!" I scream. He jolts up. "Where's Rory and Dove?" I ask quickly. His eyes go wide and he looks around quickly. I get to my feet to see my bag gone, my knives the only things to remain. I grab them and notice the rope thrown over the side of the cliff. I go over to it and climb down quickly, almost falling at multiple points. I reach the bottom and start moving before Sea can get down.

I look around for what seems like hours before I hear a cannon. "Please..." I whisper. I then hear a scream. I run toward it to see Tara, 12's female, a 12 year old, standing at the other end of a spear held by Dove. Then I see something that makes me hate the games in a whole other way. Rory, lying on the ground, dead, a puncture wound in the middle of her stomach. I look back to Dove to see her spear covered in blood. "What did you do." I say in a voice so calm it scared me.

She looks startled to see me. "W-what?" She stutters. "Tara. Move." I command her. Dove lowers her spear and Tara takes off running in the opposite direction. "What. did. you. do." I repeat slowly. " wasn't me! S-she was trying to kill me!" She says desperately. "So. You want me to believe a thirteen year old little girl tried to killed you? She couldn't even hold a knife without shaking." The words leave my mouth, but I have no control over them.

"I-I..." She starts backing up holding the spear securely in front of her. I take a knife from my belt and stand there, my eyes not leaving her once. I pull my arm back, aim the knife. She tries to run. I let go of it and it sores through the air, hitting her directly in the back of the head. A cannon goes off. Her body falls to the ground, and she lands on her spear. I go over to Rory and pick her corpse up, blood going over my front. I carry her to an open area, covered in bright sunflowers. I place her there, in the flowers, where she can rest peacefully.

I turn to a spot where I know a camera is. "Dove may have killed her, but this is on you. On all of the Capitol people." I say. I feel tears roll down my cheeks. "I bet you all enjoyed the show. Children killing each other! You all enjoyed it didn't you!?" I scream. Tears roll down my face uncontrollably. A flurry of cannons go off. Three I count. "There you go. Three more. Dead!" I say finally. I turn from the camera and walk over to Rory once again. I kiss the top of her head and turn my back to everything. I begin walking away, not caring if I find Sea again.

What is the point of having ally's when they will all just die anyway. I find some fruit that I check for poison. It's clear. I eat a few pieces until I am satisfied. I start moving again. I walk until the sun sets once again. I find Sea and he try's to say something. "Did you find them?" He asks quietly. I guess he notices the blood on my front. "What happened, Dalton?" He asks concerned. I bite my lip. "They're dead." I say simply. His eyes go wide and I see tears brim them. "W-what? What happened?" He asks. 

I meet his gaze. "Dove killed Rory. I killed Dove." I reply as if it were easy. He looks even more stunned. "She killed her? What? Why?" He asks as tear roll down his face and his voice cracks. I lower my head and can't help the thoughts going through my head. If he hadn't agreed to ally with her, Rory wouldn't be dead. If we had never found those two, she wouldn't be dead. If I had been on watch instead, she wouldn't be dead.

Music plays, we both look up. Octavia, 1's female, Titus, 3's male, Atlas, 8's male, Dove, 6's female, and Rory, 4's female. I sigh deeply. "Sleep, Sea." I say. He says nothing in return, he just lays down and I assume sleeps.

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