So, with a heavy heart, I procured a vial of poison from Volantis that my good-sister Talisa had taught me about. How I managed that, do not ask. You would be surprised about what a child can manage with warging abilities and House Velaryon's contacts. The poison was a deadly concoction that would render Borros Baratheon sterile, ensuring that the line of succession would be forever altered. Lord Borros did not even check his ale cup before drinking his alcohol, and the poison within it, in one go.

I did feel guilty because in this timeline Borros was my kin, and we had bonded in Blackhaven. But in the end, I knew that sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Hard choices demand hard actions. Now, if only I can find a way to do the same with House Lannister. Cersi, Jamie, Tywin, and Tyrion were the bane of Westeros. Even worse than House Baratheon, and Robert laughed when he was presented with my siblings' corpses and called them dragonspawns!

The horror tales I heard about the cruelty of Cersi... killing every bastard Robert ever sired! Even babes! The Rains of Castamere... when I started learning about the houses of Westeros I almost choke on my drink when I heard my maester mention House Reyne. I had gotten used to them being extinct so I did not even think about the fact that in the past, without Tywin Lannister, they were a prominent Western House.

Anyhow, now that I dealt with Larys and House Baratheon, and there is no way I can interfere with House Lannister, as they do not seem to leave Casterly Rock. I could finally turn my attention to the next phase of my mission to safeguard the realm. The Gods had visited me in dreams, revealing the dire need for more dragons to defeat the Night King. House Targaryen required the might of grown and seasoned dragons to face this ancient enemy. In my dream, the Gods showed me the whereabouts of Morning and Daenerys's three dragon eggs. These treasures would be vital in strengthening our forces. The gods assured me that they would guide me on when and to whom Daenerys's dragon eggs should be bestowed.

Despite the weight of responsibility and the paranoia of hiding three dragon eggs from my parents and siblings, my heart swelled with pride and relief as I witnessed the bond between Morning and Rhaena blossom before my eyes. The radiant joy on Rhaena's face filled me with hope and reassurance that our efforts were not in vain. Yet, as the time drew near for Daemon, Laena, Baela, and Rhaena to depart from King's Landing, a sense of regret tugged at my heart. Their presence had brought a fleeting sense of unity and strength to the Blacks, and their absence would be keenly felt. However, I knew that they had to leave before something else would happen.

Watching Aunt Laena give birth to poor Aegon was heartbreaking. It had shaken me to the core. The only reason why I was not begging my kepa to never marry me off, was the assurance from the Gods that they had blessed me with safe pregnancies and births. Otherwise, I would have stabbed any man that dared to think they could impregnate me and then fed them to Ghost.

Other than the fear I felt at seeing Aunt Laena bleed out, as I imagined this is what my first muña must have felt when she was giving birth to me. It had baffled me how callous my muñazma Viserys could be towards his own brother, kēpus Daemon. Yet, deep down, I suspected that muñazma's animosity stemmed from his own insecurities. Kēpus Daemon embodied everything muñazma was not – brave, intelligent, loyal, and handsome. In contrast, muñazma Viserys was a coward, easily swayed, selfish, and only his Valyrian features spared him from being deemed unattractive. Despite losing numerous children with mumuña Aemma, I had hoped muñazma would show more compassion towards kēpus Daemon.

However, just a few moons after Aegon's tragic stillbirth, muñazma Viserys practically ordered kēpus Daemon and his family to depart from King's Landing. While I found muñazma's actions despicable, I couldn't help but feel relieved. Kēpus Daemon detested the stifling confines of the Red Keep, and the opportunity to return to Bloodstone was a welcome escape for him. I felt a sense of happiness knowing that he would be safe from the toxic environment muñazma Viserys had attempted to impose upon him.

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