Chapter 7 | Do you want to dance?

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She thought no one noticed her, but someone did. Someone noticed her sad face, someone noticed the amount of time she must have put in getting ready, someone saw everything, and that same someone happened to be too nervous to ask her to dance.

Chester didn't know what to exactly do, he wrote the confession but he still couldn't bring himself to say it, especially in such a crowded place. He could tell that Mandy wasn't feeling well, and he felt horribly bad for it.


The snow stopped outside, and Mandy was sitting on the bleachers in the football field. She just needed a break from the crowds and loud music, yet it could still be heard from where she was.

She was lost in thought when she suddenly felt a warm jacket being wrapped around her, she tensed up but relaxed when hearing who it was.

"SURPRIIISE, missed me Manders?"
Chester asked loudly, ruining the silent atmosphere. Not that Mandy minded tho! His presence was much appreciated.

"I don't feel like talking, Chester."
He left the jacket around her and then went to sit down next to her, just why was she so upset?

"Why what happened what'd I miss?"
3 questions at a time, but Mandy could easily answer

"Do you remember the confession I got a few days ago? I feel like it was a joke."

Well ouch, Chester didn't know if he should feel offended, but he was the one to mess up with not being able to confess.
"I don't think it is, why would anyone joke like that?"

Mandy looked at him and raised an eyebrow, how ironic of him to say.
"Are you serious? You did that last year!"
She switched to looking back at the field
"It's just that, all my friends have a valentine, heck they're dancing right now! I can't help but feel left out."

"Well first of all, it's just a dance! Second of all, I'm sure whoever wrote it, meant it. It seems genuine to me."
Chester was still playing along? He felt bad for Mandy but he just couldn't bring himself to say whatever he had to say.

'I wrote the confession, I bought you flowers' the truth was just on the tip of his tongue, unable to be spoken.

"Stuff like this happens all the time. It's honestly fine you don't have to try and make it better!"

"What happens all the time?"
He wanted a better understanding of what's happening in her mind at the moment

But Mandy was getting impatient, she'd rather talk about anything else!
"What happens is that I'll get my hopes up and end up disappointed! I didn't bother with getting a valentine because I thought this mystery guy will be here. But what am I supposed to do now?"

Chester looked towards the schools gym, the lights from inside could be seen through the window, and the slow music that was playing could be heard only barely. What is she supposed to do? Chester could help with that. He wont confess, or anything of that sort yet
"Do you wanna dance?"

Mandy looked at him again, because this question was a bit out of the blue.

"Do you want to dance with me, Mandy?"

~573 words

A/N: thank you a lot for 100 reads! the story started without a plan and out of pure boredom, but i really hope everyone enjoys it

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