1. First meet

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A cold morning of December. Cold wind blowing through the city. People were busy with their works. Shop woners were getting ready for the rush of the day. Little kids were going to the school. A girl with a long and thick braid was standing beside the river, lost in her thoughts. Her thoughts got interrupted by a voice.

"Kristiana! Where are you?"

She turned around and saw her mother searching for her. She yelled,

"Here momma!"  Kristiana yelled

" So there you are! Do you even know how tensed I was! Nevermind. Go get ready."

"But why?"

" Did you forget that your grand parents are coming today."

"Oh...I just forgot about that. Nevermind I'm on my way." Saying that she ran to her room.

Her grandparents were so lovely. She loved them very much. Her grandparents were like her best friends. Specially her grandma.
There was no such secrets of her that her grandma doesn't know.

She took a warm bath and wore a beautiful red dress. She put her hair open. Kristiana looked beautiful.

Soon they arrived. They were sitting in the living room. Kristiana ran to hug them.

"Grandma, grandpa! How are you? I missed to so much." She said as she hugged them.

"We are fine. How have you been darling?" Asked her grandma.

"I'm fine too." She said having a bright smile on her face.

" Do you want to go to the market with me, Kristiana?" Said her grandpa.

" How can say so? Let's go." Kristiana said being excited.

Her grandparents lives in the village. They have a big farm of different types of vegetables. Kristiana's father is a minister of this kingdom. He is one of the favourite minister of King William. Her father is honest person. He tries his best to do something good for Auzorethra and the people who lived there.

Kristiana and her grandpa reached to the market. There were a big crowd. It isn't normal. Kristiana had a urge to know why is that crowd. She went there. The crowd is for  Prince Anthonyo. The one and only Prince of Auzorethra. He was so handsome that princess of many kingdoms had a dream of marrying him. His blue eyes met Kristiana's brown one. For a moment Kristiana had a strange feeling. Very strange. Their gaze got locked with each other. Everything became silent for Kristiana. Her eyes only seeing Prince Anthonyo.


To be continued.....

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