chapter 7.2:USJ incident part 2

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(Dont starts the music now)


I'm with Kaminari and Jiro fighting with some villains when we heard a explosion

Kaminari:Guys did you hear an explosion?

Jiro:Yes and i hear in this location

She points to a location of the explosion and i realizes

Seichin:Guys this is the same location where are Geto and Y/N, I will see if they want help!

Jiro:Ok but please be careful


When I was running to went to the location of the explosion,suddenly appeard a wooden barrier on the ground in front of me,In turn around to see who make this but i just saw Kaminari and Jiro are confused,when a a amount of sharp wood going torward in Jiro


Before to late i use my telekinesis to move Jiro to up to save her from the sharp wood,when the sharp wood disearperd i said this loud

Seichin:Come on villain stop playing hide and seek and fight with us!

When the same creature appears behind of the trees

When the same creature appears behind of the trees

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And the creature starts talking!?

???:Stop with that foolish childrens i just want... is protect this planet

Kaminari:How this thing is talking without moving the mouth?

Seichin:And why you are with the villains if just want protect this planet? We want too

Hanami:Because i want protect this planet of you humans,humans are destroying this planet and I have a name of the contrary of Nomu i am Hanami a special grade Nomu

Seichin:Wow what great speech (sarcasm)

Hanami:But you are just children thats will be easy

Seichin:Oh yeah?Let me show my friend Gater blast

I summon a gaster blast to attack Hanami,but when the gasterblast shoots the laser Hanami dodges realy fast,Kaminari tries to hit him with his shock shots but Hanami creates a ball made of wood

I summon a gaster blast to attack Hanami,but when the gasterblast shoots the laser Hanami dodges realy fast,Kaminari tries to hit him with his shock shots but Hanami creates a ball made of wood

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