Before anything else could be said, Diksha barged into the bathing area. Both of them looked up at her. "What did you do to the princess?" She's still sleeping!!! She never sleeps so long. I tried to wake her up, and she swatted me away, complaining that she is tired!!!" She exclaimed in horror.

Karma tried to hide her smile. "Well, if the princess wants to sleep a little more, I see no harm in it. After all, Yuvrani is allowed to rest."

"Oh, no, she doesn't wish to sleep more; she needs it. Someone let loose a beast on her." Another maid was teasing. The girls behind them giggled and laughed. Shakra joined in with a chuckle.

"That's not funny, Nayanika. The princess is delicate. We've always been with her, and she's always been the soft one." Diksha swatted her friend, then turned to Shakra and said, "I demand you make amends. I don't know what to do. She wants to sleep and almost threw a night lamp when I insisted too much that she wake up."

Shakra burst out laughing and said, "That's your answer. Your mistress pretends to be the sweet little innocent princess, only to become a fiesty lover in bed. Not surprisingly, she's tired." Shakra moved ahead towards the waterfall and washed his hair. Then I got off the bathing pond and got up. Karma provided him with a towel and fresh clothing. He changed into fresh clothing behind a wooden partition and reappeared. He tried to dry his hair with a small hand towel.

"Get an ice pack, Karma," Shakra ordered.

Rubbing the towel over his hair, he returned to the chamber. The maids and Karma were rushing behind him. Diksha is so alert that he does something harsh.

His wife was still comfortably sleeping, holding a pillow. Her hair was messed up, and the strands that found freedom from her braid were lying everywhere on her pillow.

"Mayura..." Shakra sat on his heels and softly rubbed his fingers over her cheeks.

"Ummm..." She smiled.

"Sparrow..." He poked her forehead.

"Ummm... Let me sleep. I'm tied." She complained.

"Oh, you want a morning round?" He teased her. Diksha exclaimed in horror at the sweet little smile that graced her princess' lips at the suggestion.

"Rajkumari!!!" Diksha exclaimed and stomped her feet on the ground. That snapped Mayura out of her daze.

The next thing the maid knew was that she was pushed out of the chambers by Shakra and had the door slammed on her face.

She groggily looked around. Slowly, she recollected the night. A sweet blush crawled on her face. She didn't remember putting on clothes before she fell asleep.

"When did I put on clothes?" She muttered.

"You didn't. I did." Shakra answered, staring annoyedly at the door. That woman was crazy. Who wakes up his wife like that?

Mayurakshi noticed the scratches on his back. The redness and some marks are clearly visible.

"Did you not sleep properly? There are scratches on your back." Mayura said this and slowly sat up.

The other girls giggled and whispered in her ears, "Rajkumari, that was probably what you were doing last night."

The colors on her face change instantly from pink to red. "Oh, umm.. I'm sorry. I didn't...."

Shakra walked over to her and said, "You were too busy to think much about where your hands were doing on my back. I'd keep it that way." He winked at her. She threw a pillow at him, and he laughed.

She instantly got up from the bed. The moment she stood up, she groaned. Before she could fall, Shakra grabbed her by the waist. "Why is it so sore?" She asked him to whisper. He laughed.

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