He faced you to see the confusion etched out on your face.

"How could you not regret it? I mean do you know how many people you could've killed? Not only the people there, but all the people after the League got more control?"

"I mean you can't put all the blame me-"

"You're right. I can't put all the blame on you. Just you and the league trying to reign havoc on everything and everyone in your path. I mean how could you just spread that around?"

Kiyoshi's face was blank for a second before a smile spread wide on his face. He had started to laugh.

In fact, he was laughing so hard that he had to wipe the corners of his eyes and starting choking on his own giggles.

"I-I'm sorry that was just so funny!"

You eyebrows scrunched together as he searched your face as if you knew what he was laughing about.

"You're joking right?" He asked "Let's be so fucking for real y/n. I couldn't have told them the information if I didn't get it from somebody else first. Plus I'm damn sure I didn't get it from one of those lameass heroes"

Your stomach felt as if it dropped down to your feet, and your heart felt as if it was going to explode with the way it was beating.

He raised both of his hands as if he were to cup your cheeks, but you never felt his touch.

"You did this y/n. You told me about the summer camp location. This whole fucking thing?" He waved his arms around wildly in the air "Is all because of you. You and the fact that you can't make up your fucking mind! You want to be a hero, so you go to a hero school, but one thing goes wrong and now you want to be a villain" He gets up onto his feet, but you can't bring yourself to follow his lead "But now, now you just love your friends so much that you have to be the good guy and save them! Well guess what? You were wrong to going back to being a hero because you couldn't see you were blowing the plan up right in your own fucking face. Can't you see the common denominator in all of these problems? It's you!"

Hot tears streamed down your face, but you didn't bother to wipe any of them away. You were too wrapped up in his words. Your whole face was hot from anger. The tips of your ears burned from embarrassment.

"I am not the common denominator-"

"Oh yeah?" He stood in front of you hands in his pockets "Everywhere you go, trouble never fails to follow. It's like your a walking bad omen"

He crouched down to make sure he could look you directly in your eyes "You need to get your shit together before you hurt anyone else. You hear me?-"

Quicker than he could register, you grabbed onto his wrist and pulled his hand right behind his back. You knee went into the upper part of his back so you could collect his other hand.

Kiyoshi chuckled dryly "Almost forgot about that quirk of yours-"

Your knee dug further into his back making him groan in pain.

"It's not a quirk" You held his wrists in one hand and ripped off the bottom strip of his flannel with the other. With it, you tied his wrists together tightly.

Out of no where he starts crying out in pain. You hadn't used more force then you were supposed to, so wondering what was the matter you flipped him over. Tilting you head you had noticed the joint had caught onto his cheek and burned some of his face. With a small hiss you wacked it off from where it was attached.

"You're lucky I took that off" You mumbled standing up fully and extinguishing the flame.

Kiyoshi hummed at your actions, but you could tell he was still in pain from the burn "Surprised you didn't take that for yourself"

Getting out your phone you went to text Aizawa that you had Kiyoshi in custody.

"I think I'm done smoking. Plus if I had to put something that's been in your mouth in mine I might just kill myself"

After sending the text you pocked your phone and wipe your face, but most of the tears had dried already. Turning you start to make your way off of the building. Though before you go you hear him call out one more time.

"Deep down you know I'm right. Just not ready to admit it yet, but you'll see"

That was all you heard before disappearing down the fire escape not wanting to hear more.

Maybe he was right about one thing. You fucked some things up.

But you were going to make it right no matter what.




That night you headed over to the League of Villain's hideout. If you could do anything to make up for this whole mess, it's bust Katsuki out of the musty joint. Though you stop in your tracks sensing something close to you. Quickly, you turn your head to find All Might standing directly behind you. His buff, and terrifying, form loomed over you.

"You can't just scare me like that!" You hiss looking around trying to notice the rest of the hideout raid team, but couldn't seem to spot them "Damn they're good"

All Might nodded "I would hope so. They would be fired if a first year could spot them that easily" You stuck your tongue out at him before crossing your arms against your chest.

All Might went over the plan again in a hushed whisper. You stood there tapping your foot.

"Do you understand young y/n? I can explain some things if it's not clear-"

"Yeah I get it"

With one more secure nod, he went to up to the door. Though you quickly stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Wait, there's one more thing"




Katsuki sat there with his restraints on once again. I mean, you send one guy slamming into the wall and now you're the damn bad guy. Shigiraki had his eyes on the live broadcast of UA's. They had Aizawa, Nezu, and Vlad King all there apologizing for the harm to the students. He raised up his hand giving his neck a slow scratch.

"Look at that. Not even coming to look for you. I mean they're just trying to cover their own butts, can't you see that?"

One of the reporters from at the meeting stood up going to ask a question.

"We've all heard and seen Katsuki Bakugou's explosive tendencies. How are we to know that we wouldn't join the League? I mean it's as if he fits right in"

Aizawa's eyebrows raised at the question, but he quickly regained his composure "The kid may be explosive, but he's not stupid. He sticks to his morals and that's something that we respect about him. Don't judge people by what they might front on the outside. Every child in that class is capable and desires to be a hero. This is a lesson for everyone. Including the staff at UA. Don't underestimate anyone by how they act, because they are bound to surprise you in one way or another"

A smug smirk spread across Katsuki's face "They do know something right about me after all"

Before Shigaraki could answer though, a knock at the door interrupted them.

"Who is it?" Shigaraki yelled, only slightly turning down the volume of the television. When there was no response he signaled over at Compress to scope it out. Compress stood on top of a crate looking out the window. He saw someone standing there but couldn't make out their features. He did notice though, the pizza box that they held in their hands.

"It's a delivery guy. Probably lost" Compress said going to open the door.

And there you stood with a pizza box you had just gotten from a nearby dumpster.

Tilting your head with a fake smile you asked "Somebody order a pizza?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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