Chapter 1 disaster

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(Hey guys, this is my first story, I hope you like it. Also, sorry for any mistakes. Also, leave comments on what should happen next!)

It seems as if I'm the only one in my life. Alone. In the dark. Lonely. I try to be there for others but no one is ever there for me. My parents died when I was only six. I walked home from school and I found them brutally murdered on the floor, my grandma crying screaming how it was my fault because they died to protect me. I was put into foster care as my grandma hates me and wanted me to have a hell-ish life as her child was dead. She made me hate myself, all I wanted was to go back to the way things were. Peaceful. Sometimes I had dreams of my mom cooking and me and my dad playing ball in the yard. My mom would yell "time to eat" we would say grace and eat. My parents would kiss me good night and kiss my forehead, tucking me into bed. I would wake up crying as I missed them but my grandma's words, I will never forget them. My foster parents would force me to work and hit me often. I hated my life.

My sweet dream ended abruptly as my foster mom hit me with a shoe to wake me up. "Wake up brat, and go do my real kids' laundry. Then you can eat the table scraps". "But mom-" "YOU MAY NOT CALL ME MOM! YOU MAY ONLY CALL ME MAM, YOU GOT THAT LUCAS. YOU KNOW THAT". After that she backhanded me in the mouth. I started to cry but stopped realizing she would hit me again if I kept it up. I knew I just had to suck it up and do the chores she asked me to do or I would face "sir" later. I definitely didn't want that. After I finished my chores I got to eat... but all that was left was crusts of bread, and a half-eaten sandwich. Dinner was just great. I went to bed hungry as usual. I dreamed of a loving family. My loving family. That night like most nights I silently cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in a cold sweat as I had a nightmare. My grandma and parents were reaching out to me saying "it's all your fault" "why?". I decided I needed to start my new life. So I packed my clothes,which were only two pairs of pants and one shirt. I stole food from the kitchen and sneaked out. A few weeks on the streets and i realized it was harder than i thought it would be. But i never gave up in search of a loving family.

A few days later a new couple took me in. and before i knew it a year had passed. Tomorrow was my first day of Suzuki high. Gosh, I was nervous. But I needed to make a good first impression. All I wanted was to be the "center of attention". I mean I was by no means ugly, I was 5 '7, had soft shoulder length brown hair, soft hazel eyes, and I was ripped. I knew I would have no problems making lady friends but was I cool or funny enough to make friends with the guys? Who knew my mom tried to ease my nerves. " lucas, you'll be fine just be yourself and if people don't like you then, it's their loss just know i will always love you son." "thanks mom i love you too." gosh i loved her so much she wasn't my real mom but she treated me like i was her real son, and never treated me like i was a mistake, my dad loved to play video games and football with me he treated me like i was his real son. The one thing I had wanted since the "incident" was when I was six up until I was thirteen. Seven years I was treated like a mistake, a servant and a joke. But I finally found my place with my loving parents.

I layed down in my bed happy,full, and warm. I was super nervous but excited for tomorrow i wonder who my teachers were and who i would be friends with would i get a girlfriend? I blushed at the thought.i remember my dad wanted to have the "talk" with me as i was entering highschool. I wonder how awkward it would be as i drifted off to sleep my thoughts running in my head.

* hi guys, I hope you liked it. Sorry if it's short, leave you suggestions in the comments *

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