Beautiful Crazy

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The Kalos region was not without its attractions. Irida couldn’t deny that it is beautiful even in modern times with all its loud, crowded cities. Leah had something to do in Couriway Town so she decided to bring her friends and the clan leaders with her. This town had a Pokemon showcase where the stage was outside with a clear view of the waterfalls. Mildred smiled fondly, but both girls had mischievous intent. Leah eyed Glaceon and Vulpix and looked at Irida, “Do you want to try participating in a Pokemon Showcase?”

Irida hesitated, “I have not the singlest clue of what I’m supposed to do in a Pokemon Showcase.”

“You perform with your Pokemon, but tonight’s an event where any performers are allowed to have a partner with them, there’s no stakes.” Mildred explained.

“You should perform with Adaman!” Leah chimed in, “I’ll be trying to convince Zayn to participate, but Zayn has two left feet and performances aren’t his thing.”

Irida sighed and walked up to Adaman. He was sitting on a bench and talking with Zayn and Spectre. Adaman understood very little of what Spectre was saying, sign language wasn’t something he was used to. To him it looked like charades, but the child was clearly communicating something seeing how Zayn seemed to understand what the boy was saying. Zayn noticed Irida coming their way and stood up, “Well that’s our cue, good luck.”

The boys went to see Leah and Mildred. Irida took Zayn’s place on the bench. Irida turned around to see Leah talking with Zayn rather animatedly. Irida smiled softly, before turning to Adaman, “The girls were talking about some kind of event, do you want to participate with me?”

Adaman smiled, “It’s the performers’ event is it not?”

Irida nodded, “Was it that obvious?”

“It’s a bit hard to not notice the amount of performers practicing their routines. In any case, my answer is yes. I’ll perform with you.”

Irida’s expression lit up. Adaman got up and led her to a secluded area to practice. Leah and Mildred seemed to have gotten the same idea. As Kalos Queen, Mildred had to give an opening performance with her partner. The Vespiquen and Delcatty stood next to their trainers. Mildred was explaining to Adaman and Irida how Pokemon Showcases went while Zayn and Leah were trying to get something down with Mrs. Cuddletails and Níðhöggr, but performing with Pokemon who don’t get along proved to be difficult. Zayn withdrew Níðhöggr and sent out Aegislash. The switch made all the difference, their Pokemon were cooperative and they could now get to the next part, their dance.

Irida and Adaman started practicing their own routine. They’ve spent the entire day trying different combinations of moves with very little results. They’ll have to make due with what they had. The group went to sign up and immediately made their way to the changing room where multiple performers were getting ready. Leah had changed into a silver and blue dress, one that was clearly inspired from Shiny Ninetales, she then placed some flowers and vines on Mrs. Cuddletails. The flowers were various shades of blue. The flower Leah had placed on the Ninetales’ head reassembled a Lilligant’s flower, but this flower was a violet colour that leaned more towards the blue.

Like every event in Pokemon Showcases, Mildred had to go first. Vespidae was not a fan of the idea, but went along with it without making a fuss. Lady Lemeow’s Assist allowed her to use Fairy Wind. With an elegant meow, the Delcatty summoned sparkling, pink winds. When Vespidae launched Mildred upwards, the latter floated in the winds. She twirled as Lady Lemeow summoned a blazing vortex with Copycat. The gem on Vespiquen’s head glowed a blue hue as she summoned multiple light blue blades of energy towards the top of the Fairy Wind. The Fairy Wind combined with Fire Spin detonated in a sea of sparkles. Vespidae stopped twirling around Lady Lemeow and Vespiquen and held up her arms to catch Mildred in midair. When she placed her partner back on her feet, Vespidae spun her to mark the end of the performance. They could hear the crowd going wild. Irida was getting increasingly nervous and Adaman was running out of ways to comfort her.

The announcer called Leah and Zayn’s names so they had to get on stage. Mrs. Cuddletails’ body was engulfed in flames as she leapt towards Aegislash. The ghost type swirled around in its blade form and switched to its shield form. It then summoned multiple blue hexagons. Leah and Zayn were enjoying themselves while Mrs. Cuddletails climbed the shields. With lithe feet, they switched sides as Zayn twirled her. The moment Zayn launched Leah upwards, Mrs. Cuddletails used Mystical Fire around them. A multitude of gray rocks were summoned around Aegislash as it hurled them around the Mystical Fire to create a set of stairs. Mrs. Cuddletails elegantly made her descent. Aegislash summoned a ball of energy and immediately fired a white and light blue beam at the top of the Mystical Fire. It detonated into a fluffy of sparkles. Leah was spun and was slowly, but surely getting closer to Zayn. Mrs. Cuddletails jumped over their arms and summoned a blast of fire towards the audience that was cut into multiple little embers with Aegislash’s Sacred Sword. The crowd was practically singing their praises when Leah twirled into Zayn’s chest. The remaining embers falling around them like flickering fireflies.

“And our last couple for tonight came all the way here from the Sinnoh region! Please welcome Adaman and Irida!” The announcer called out.

They took the lift and ascended on the stage. Glaceon and Leafeon jumped on their trainers’ shoulders and switched sides. Then they both leapt. Glaceon’s forehead glowed a light blue hue and with a yowl, she summoned a light blue ball of energy and fired a light blue beam of energy at Leafeon. The Grass type’s tail glowed a pale blue hue and turned as hard as iron. The Ice Beam hit Leafeon’s tail, which redirected the Ice Beam and created spiky pillars around Adaman and Irida. Adaman smiled smugly, “Now we can truly begin.”

Adaman picked Irida up and held her close. As he spun, he progressively raised her upwards until he eventually launched her. With a yowl, Glaceon summoned multiple rings of water around Irida. Leafeon jumped from ice pillar to ice pillar. His tail glowed a green hue and leapt. His tail hit the water, turning them into multiple droplets of water. Irida plummeted, Glaceon yowled and summoned a cold, icy wind. The winds pushed her trainer towards Adaman. He managed to grab her hands and pivoted as he brought her closer to him. He gently placed Irida back on her feet and twirled her.

Glaceon yowled and summoned a dark purple sphere towards the audience, Leafeon’s tail glowed a pale green colour and slashed the Shadow Ball in an “X” shape, turning it into a flurry of sparkles and leaving behind a trail of energy. Glaceon and Leafeon both landed on an ice pillar. Adaman put a halt to the spinning and moved his hand to her waist and dipped her. Their faces were mere inches from each other, sparkles fell around them like snowflakes. Irida caressed his face with her free hand and closed the distance. As her lips met his, the sound of the crowd seemed like mere background noise. Time seemed to have stopped completely. When they broke apart, their gaze lingered until they had to leave the stage. Leah won’t give them any mercy tonight that’s for sure.

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