Introduction and epilogue

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Hello everyone, I am Alizha, and I'm the writer of Dear Aaliyah. Aliya is a smart,fair,beautiful young lady who is yet to finish her university as she started university when she was 17 but when she turned 18, her father died and things took a turn. Her wicked step mother took All the money and left with it, but they weren't exactly poor because her brother's jobs pay a lot. They had to sell their 5 cars leaving the other five. Aliyah has been a very hard working girl since when she was a small kid. She used to help her mother in the kitchen, and although her mother allowed her, she still had to keep some distance from the gas cooker. Safety comes first. Aaliyah has 3 brothers known as Abubakar (sadiq) who is 29 years old and is a neurosurgeon, Ibrahim (Nadim) who is 27 years old and is a psychiatrist. and lastly Mubarak (Zayyan) who is 25 years old and is a corporate lawyer. Aaliyah is the last born and the only female child in the house and her brothers are overprotective of her and they love
her in their own ways. Abubakar is a very handsome and hot but quiet person and likes peace and minding his business but also very strict. When he makes a decision, no one can change his mind. He says what's in his mind when he's vexed but he still chooses his words carefully and talks with respect and manners like his mother taught him. He talks in a very calm way and also walks in a calm manner. He respects everyone around him because he doesn't like trouble and also stays out of people's business and he rarely smiles. The second born is Ibrahim. He is also a very handsome quiet person but a little bit more extroverted and outspoken than Abubakar. He is really calm and doesn't get vexed or annoyed easily. He doesn't like arguing with people, so he ignore the negative comments and attitudes and welcome the positive ones with open hands. He can also read a person like an open book. That's his talent. He also doesn't like smiling. You will neither see a frown or a smile on his face. His face is always neutral.
Mubarak on the other hand is an extrovert unlike his brothers but just like his brothers, he likes peace so he doesn't say words that would possibly bring hatred or any sort of conflict or hate towards him or his family. He is also a calm person that respects his elders and people around him so as to abound any sorts of fights.

Aaliyah in the other hand is a different story. She is also a person that hates any sort of argument or tension, but she is crazier than her brothers. She always says what on her mind without even realizing it and for that, she almost into trouble in school. She loves her family so much especially her mother because she is also a female, and she understands her daughter so she goes to her anytime she has a problem or two. Let's just say the 4 siblings are Fierce,bold and arrogant like that of a royal blood. They aren't exactly poor, I'd say they are now muddle with a touch of upper class because they had the money.

Aaliyah Aida's pov;

Haba Ammi na. Ngam ďume a b'erni? (Why are you upset?) you know stress is not good for your health Ammi. why won't I be upset, Aida? Said her mother.
Haba Ammi I know you don't want me to go. I also don't want to go Ammi but I have to whether I like it or not. And besides, I will be visiting you once a month so, you don't have to worry about me leaving you alone okay? Seeing that her mother was still not convinced, she added Ammi am you have Yaa Sadiq, Yaa Ibrahim and Yaa Mubarak faa Haba Ammi zaki na gani na fa.

Ke Aida ba Wai zanyi missing naki ne ba fa don't start feeling yourself. I am just worried what if something happens to you there? You have no one to take care of you and your brothers aren't there to protect you. Her mother finally said.

Ammi I'm a big girl now faa you are underestimating your daughter too much. I am 19 fa Ammi. Haba mana trust me a little will you? Can you?

Toh maybe I can trust you a little. My baby girl is all grown up. She said making Aida chuckle a bit. Ammi naa she said engulfing her in a hug. I will really miss you Ammi na she said almost on the verge of tears as Ammi rubbed her back in a comforting manner.

She got ready and took her small bag heading to their not so big and not too small parlor keeping her bad on one of the couches. She talked with her brothers a bit and her mother's friend came to take her away. Aida's eyes were red and puffy by the time she and her mother's friend (Aunty Rahma) were in the car. She didn't want to leave her mother and brothers. She is gonna be alone, no one is gonna take care of her and so on and so forth she kept thinking.

Once they arrived in Zaria, Aida started feeling uneasy and scared. When they got out of the car, she felt like running away and going back to her mother. She already miss her so much.

She carried her small bag and held it in her hand as she and aunty Rahma made their way to the palace.
She was amazed my the interior of the palace and as she was looking around, she bumped into someone with a heavenly smell of Oudh,sandal wood and spice. It was very nice,I almost didn't want to leave the person until the person pushed me back abruptly and said "quote" ARE YOU BLIND? CANT YOU SEE WHERE YOUR'E GOING? His voice sent shivers down my spine and my eyes well up with tears. How can I mess up the moment I entered this palace? Why am I so clumsy? Why wasn't I looking at my front? Why Why Why?!

I'm sorry she said in trembling voice as she tried to hold back her tears. NEXT TIME I WONT LET YOU OFF THE HOOK IS THAT CLEAR? She nodded
USE YOUR DAMN WORDS! Okay she said at the verge of tears. And he left just like that.

What a jerk

Hello dear readers. My name is Khadijah (Alizha) and though I am not new on Wattpad, this is my first book and I am excited but nervous whether you will like it or not. I hope y'all will enjoy my book and please leave a comment (positive one😅) thank you


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