chapter 18: truth or dare?

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sophia's pov~

i stand there. leah's hands pressing my hips
against the wall. fuck i'm turned on.
without even thinking, forgetting the circumstances, forgetting how much she pissed me off, i place my hand on her neck, pulling her head in to kiss me.
i immediately deepen the kiss, giving into her.

"ready to talk now?" leah asks, a slight smirk on her face.

"que te jodan" fuck you. i mumble, pulling her in for another kiss

"sure, when?" she replies, a smirk on her face and one of her eyebrows cocked up.
fucking hell.
i pull her in again, my free hand holding onto her shirt, pulling her closer.
i kiss her more, all my anger immediately fading away. i let go of her, pulling away from the kiss. her hands still lay on my waist, making my knees weak.
i give her  another kiss, wanting to kiss her more but knowing once i start i won't be able to stop. and we need to go to the team bonding night, which was recommended by sarina.
it's being held in the games room, and luckily sarina and the coaches won't be there. so we don't have to worry about keeping it pg.
i lose control, kissing her again, pushing my body against hers. i gently suck on her neck, peppering kisses down it. leah let's put a breath. i carry on kissing down her neck- that is, until i hear the door swing open...
leah immediately springs away from me, and i quickly grab my hoodie, acting as if i was just about to put in on.

"you guys alright? leah you look like you've seen a ghost" keira says, laughing.
a smirk is set on my face, seeing leah's slightly pink cheeks.

"yeah.. yeah. fine" she replies.

i walk into the game room, my hair damp laying around my shoulders. leah took forever in the shower, meaning i had little time to have a shower after her if i wanted to make it on time. so, as i was going to be late anyways, it wouldn't hurt to be even later, so i happily took my time. i went a grabbed a bottle of water from reception, having lost mine, before finally walking down into the games room.
everyone's sat down in a circle, on beanbags and chairs and sofas. deliberately, i sit opposite leah.  i place myself down on the beanbag, my
legs crossed.

"so soph, as you decided to be late, how about you go first?" georgia asks, everyone's eyes turning to me.

"go first?" i ask, not sure what she's talking about.

"in truth or dare"

"okay, truth" i say, dreading the worst.

"oo okay. how many aussies have you slept with?" she asks, a teasing smile set on her face. i roll my eyes.

"what's this obsession with aussies? its all you've been talking about" mutters keira, grinning.
"don't worry, just keep that in mind guys if you need a truth to ask her...
soph, come on, answer" keira carries on.

"do i have to say who?" i ask.

"that can be your next question" georgia winks.

"okay, umm" i start, counting on my fingers.
"four. " i look over to leah, who raises her eyebrows. i shrug at her, also sending her a wink.

"i cant wait until the next round, tell us who"  ellen says, leaning over, looking eager for an answer. i shake my head, but the other girls practically beg.

"fine. raso, carpenter, catley, grant and foord"
"nevermind, it was five" i say, earning a laugh out of the team.
they carry on the round, and i just listen in. putting in a cheeky comment here and there, and laughing when it's necessary. i open the bottle, taking a sip of my water.

"okay leah, truth or dare" jill asks, a slight smile pulling at her lips, a tattletale sign she might know something.

"uhh truth?" leah replies, looking skeptical.

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