The Scars That Can't Heal

Start from the beginning

Natasha nodded and kept quiet, making Fury huff at the lack of information he was receiving. 

"How did you know you could trust Y/n? You don't seem to trust me and you work alone so how come you let Y/n help?" Dr Grey said somehow not in an accusatory tone. 

"I know her. Ohio, '92-95. I was on mission." 

Dr Grey tilted her head in confusion. "Not to pry but how old are you exactly?" 

"Twenty-four. I was eight when the mission started." 

You gasp softly in realisation. 

It was a mission? That's why she disappeared?  Is she why mom... 

You shake the thoughts away. 

"You were so young, when did you join the Red Room?" 

"My memory when I was little is... fuzzy. I was younger than six I'd say." 

"And what did you think of Y/n when you first met her?" 

"I... She was bubbly. When I first met her. She was smart too and slightly gullible but she was a great friend. We would do everything together. I will always remember how we would stare at the fireflies and go on bike rides." Natasha smiles for the first time while talking to Dr Grey. You smile and chuckle softly. 

Dr Grey scribbles something down. 

"Can we talk about something personal?" Dr Grey asked and Natasha hesitantly nodded. 

"How did you get all your scars?" 

"The Red Room." Natasha didn't elaborate. 

"The one on your wrist... do you mind telling me where that's from?" Dr Grey's voice was lighter than before; you could tell she was treading carefully. 

"They handcuffed us to our beds." Natasha's voice was wavering slightly, not that Fury could tell though. 

"Natasha... did you want to join the Red Room?" 

Natasha shakes her head. 

"What type of things would the Red Room make you do?" 

"Dreykov... the leader, he would take dozens of little girls and train them. Into Black Widows. They would make us dance until our feet bled. They would make us kill. It was psychological conditioning. Maybe one in twenty survive the training. The rest, he kills." 

Natasha was not making eye contact anymore. You clenched your jaw, thankful he was gone. 

Dr Grey noticed the redhead's change in demeanour and picked a different question. 

"Have you... ever been in love?" 

"Love is for children." Natasha stated almost automatically, like her words weren't hers. 

"Not even in Ohio?" 


Dr Grey wrote something down rapidly before checking her watch. 

"I have one more question. Why do you wanna do good?"

"I... I've got red in my ledger. I've done unspeakable things. I want to help people." 

"Thank you Natasha. I think we'll stop there; thank you for sharing." Dr Grey gives a warm smile to Natasha as she leads her out of the room. 

Natasha waits outside so that you and Fury can listen to her results. 

Dr Grey looks at Natasha's chart before saying, "Natasha did well. Better than I would've thought for someone so traumatised. She lied on the last two questions but was otherwise truthful. I clear her for fieldwork but I would say she should be monitored closely until we trust her and that that she needs some therapy."  

"Thank you Dr Grey." Fury states in his usual tone. 

You had already walked out to Natasha and confronted her. 

"Ohio was a mission." You state, feeling betrayed. 

"I didn't do anything, I swear. My mission was to make Alexei and Melina look normal." 

"Did the Red Room cause the North Institute fire?" You ask, jaw tightly shut.

"Yes." Natasha whispered out. 

"You killed my mother."  

Thanks for reading! Again if anyone wants to co write send a message!

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