12. Housewarming

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They got their luggage from the car, and Alice looked a bit further around the house as she began unpacking. Sebastian had gone shopping for that one specific item, but promised to bring some dinner home with him as well.
He hadn't brought a great deal of effort into decorating the house, it was still quite empty. Maybe that was why it felt so big (empty). Although he had taken care of his own office, making it feel slightly more homely. He had probably spent most of his time there, while being in the house, setting up photos of his family, having snuck one of Alice in between as well, and the one she had gifted him of him with his hero Michael Schumacher, along with a few other of his special mementos and memorabilia around the room. It was indeed his place.
She sat down in his chair for a moment, just to get a feel and a view of what it was like behind his desk. She could understand why he had chosen this room. The windows along the side gave a nice view to the garden and the light came through without blinding your eyes. She had never needed an office, just her laptop, and she could work anywhere. But she could imagine it being nice to have a place to keep work contained, and the rest of the house for your own time. Close the door behind you, and you were off duty.
Sebastian returned quickly, the dinner of his choice being Chinese food. Alice had just set the table, during her exploring of the kitchen, but he certainly knew his way around already, and got a few additional things.
"Did you finish unpacking?", as he started filling up his mouth with noodles. Either he was really hungry or eager to get to... dessert.
"Yeah, it wasn't a lot. It was more about where to put it. I put some of our clothes in the washing machine." He had bought quite a variety of food, she was contemplating where to begin. 
He chewed his mouthful, but still not fast enough to still be chewing through his sentence, "I'll find some of the boxes with the clothes you left behind."
"Thank you." She stroked his hand before starting eating some springrolls herself. He seemed so energetic and happy, it was rubbing off on her, as he was telling her about the house for the rest of dinner. It had been owned by an elderly couple, the wife had to move to a retirement home to receive care and the husband moved closer to be near her. Their adult kids had taken over the house after them, but it was too big of a mouthful for them. Sebastian was the first one who came to see the house, after it was put up for sale, and he didn't mind extra work as he needed something to distract himself with. Even though the house had gone through some renovations, there were still some projects he had in mind, but he was no longer in a rush for distractions.

After dinner, Alice cleaned the table while Sebastian went to take some of his missed calls. Returning, he told her he hadn't informed them exactly the reason he had to go, but that he would be back in Milton Keynes before testing. "I figured we should tell my parents before the whole world finds out."
"Should we visit them before we go to Milton Keynes?", she took his hand, just holding him a little bit.
"Do you want to go tomorrow? They will be pleased to see you. They were asking a lot about you, you know," pulling her closer by her hand, making her body was press against his.
She let go of his hand to put of hers around his back and press him further against her, "I don't even know what day it is. But yes, we can go. Are they going to ask a lot of questions, do you think?"
"No. They know that you, uhm... that you have had a difficult time. Alice, don't be nervous about it. You know them, they know you," his voice giving her the final strength and belief that she could go through with it.
She leaned her head against his shoulder to hold him close in her embrace, "You're right, of course you are," kissing his neck.
He let the topic go just as willingly as she did, when their lips found each other, and before she knew if, her legs were around him and they were lying in bed together.
She felt so relaxed, just lying comfortably back on the bed, while his hands and tongue were exploring her body. Even as she felt her muscles tense up from the excitement, the most movement she would allow herself, were her fingers digging into his skin. That would also let him know he was doing something right, as if her moans weren't enough.
Having felt she let herself (and him) down the last time, she was clearing her mind and only focusing on the pleasure he was giving her, which was not hard as he was so focused on that aspect, she was overwhelmed with containing it within herself. And he kept going too, with his hands holding onto her bare legs, making sure she was staying in positing for him to give her the ultimate sensations with his tongue between her legs.
She did manage to get one of her legs loose, and slightly kicked him away by his shoulder and get his attention back before she lost her own, "Alright! Get it now!" She quickly pulled off her shirt, before falling back on the bed as he crawled over her to reach for the condoms on the bed table and get himself ready. How did he even manage to fumble with the first condom, when he was so skilled with them now, that she barely got to turn over to him before he had removed his own shirt as well and was on top of her.
"Are you ready?"
"Yesyesyesyes!", she giggled and eagerly kissed him.
And she felt it. Finally, she felt it. As he pushed himself inside, the heat spread through her and released through a gasp from her lips. He smiled, knowing now he was onto something, gave her a kiss back, and then he really got to work.
The way his body moved against her, how tightly he let her hold him, the determination he had to keep going until she was done. Even if he had aroused her body, her mind was doing half the job just thinking about him.
She wanted to look at him, she wanted to lock her eyes into his, watch his expression as he was getting closer, but he was making it difficult for her, with his insatiable urge to thrust the pleasure inside of her. Stroking her hair and kissing her neck, she just let go and allowed her body to give into him, gyrating with him.
Feeling his chest stick to her breast and her hips motioning along his, she could get no closer to his body or closer to finishing, practically scratching at his back to hold on for more of this intimacy.
"I love you, Alice," he managed to whisper by her ear, tickled by his warm breath spreading over the lobe.
"Lo...ve you..."
He had chosen that moment to let her soul fly away and leave her body to experience the intensity of releasing himself into her and joining him in the euphoria.
Slightly out of breath, he rolled off her, still using some of his air to let out his soft (but excited) voice for her, "That's one way to inaugurate the bedroom," and freed himself from the rubber prison. 
"Why do you always do that?", still a slightly fogged mind, she was just lying completely bare and open next to him, perhaps not forming her sentence properly.
"What do you mean?", he turned back to her, sideways resting on his arm, he drew his finger across her naked chest.
"You always... you always give me... double of what I am giving you... I can't compete."
He chuckled, a little confused, "What on earth are you talking about?"
She moved to hide her face in his chest, from the embarrassment of what was behind her thoughts, "Please don't make me say it," muffled from her lips moving against his skin.
"You're going to have to," sounding like he was getting enjoyment out of seeing her embarrassed.
"You know... beforehand... you always... do things...," her voice getting lower and lower, "Lick me..."
"I didn't get that?"
She pushed against his chest and rolled back from him, "Stop it! You're not gonna make me say it again."
His face completely gleeful, "How are you still able to sound so much like a virgin right after being jostled around?" Even if her cheeks felt red, it was just as much from looking at him like that, his face completely in bliss. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to him, "You are my wife and I love you, and I want you to feel good and give you pleasure to match mine... even if I have to work twice as hard," ending with a kiss. And a little more kisses.
He should know better than to get her worked up again, but too late, her lips were going down over his chest, and soon found a way to return the pleasures he had given her, giving him some licks... and sucks...
Holding on to her hair, he was careful not to grab her, rather continuously stroking her as she moved about his business at the top of his legs. She wanted to get him just as close as she had been, just before he would beg her to stop.
Her hand feeling around his chest, he grabbed it and pulled her up to him, her legs spreading across him, and she was ready to go again.
He held onto her hips as they moved on top of him, almost as tightly as he was biting into his lip. She just needed to ride him for a little bit before she was with him. She couldn't bear to look at him, her neck falling backwards as his hand moved up and held her bouncing bosom. She was holding it all in, but he was certainly not, making up for some of the moans she had given him earlier.
And then he grabbed her thighs, giving her a shove and a startle, "Alice-Alice-Alice, waitwaitwaitwait!", all out of breath but almost shouting.
Her hips froze and face returned back to him, "What-what is it?"
"I don't... We forgot the-the condom!", his face covered in panic.
Trying to regain her breath, she looked down at their unity between her legs, "I didn't even think about that. What do I do?", trying to sound more calm than what he was expressing.
"Sit very still," actually sounding desperate, his fingers were pressed so tightly on her thighs, she could see the marks. Maybe she should stop touching his chest. "You can crawl off now."
Almost feeling like she should jump off him, quick like a bandaid, she just let herself fall to the side and roll off him as he held his breath. They laid still for a moment, slightly uncomfortable.
"That was awkward," she chuckled to lighten the mood.
"Heh," was all she got back.
She sat up, looking for the protective box, "Do you want to continue? What should I do?...", he quickly pulled her down on top of him, touching her back to hold her against him and kissing her neck. The rush was still inside him, and she reached down to rub on him until he could release it. He was holding her so firmly in his arms as her hand was moving around him, having had to hold it in for her to safely crawl off him, he was eager to let it go. He was just breathing against her ear in beats matching the movements of her wrist. And then he let go of her and himself.
He had had a rapid breath, but as it was returning to normal, it moved deeper and deeper, and she lifted herself up to see his closed eyes. It had certainly given him the release to relax, because he was all passed out.
She covered them with a blanket as she lied back down, trying to get some sleep for herself.

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