Arrangments (3)

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The feeling of Drew's lips on mine tingled even hours after work. As I dressed for dinner with his family, I could still feel him pressed against me and smell his cologne surrounding me more than ever before. Something smokey and delicious with notes of jasmine and pepper, it's odd, but it works so well for him. Two outfits are lying on my bed, and the nerves are eating at me to pick one. Either a black long-sleeved sleeve slightly cropped top with white high trousers that have a black and gray leaf print with white heels or a black knee-length sleeveless dress with black heels. Pants it is!

Perfectly waved hair and expertly applied makeup, all normal for my everyday life. Tonight is just a bit more. Soft makeup, loose hair, more relaxed outfit. I'll still be with my boss, but this time in a more informal venue. Dinner with the family that knows me as his assistant, not his girlfriend. This is our first test ... he did say his father already believes the lie. Now to see if his mother and siblings believe it.

Ever since I met him, I've thought Drew McIntyre is the most handsome man ever. Then you add that Scottish accent and knees were weak from the very beginning. I simply learned how not to be affected by it or him. Now, I'll be testing all of my walls.

As I finished my last touches and spritzed don't of the perfume Drew gifted me for Christmas, my doorbell rang. The man is chronically on time, so I unlocked the door from my phone and let him in. He walked straight in while I finished putting on my heels, and his cologne enveloped me again. When I stood, he was right in front of me, and even in my heels, I was still much smaller than him.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned in to kiss me. I just placed my hand on his chest for stability and enjoyed it. Drew pulled away with a smug smirk on his face as he rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want now?" he asked.

"Yeah ... I think so ... yeah."

"Frankie, if you keep looking at me like that, we won't make it to dinner. I'm not holding back anymore." he growled.

"Like what?"

"Blurry eyed and sexy. Vulnerable."

"Only with you." I whispered.

"I know, darling," he said, again... knees weak. "Now I get to play out all those thoughts I told myself to shut down."

"Drew ... what are you ..."

"I've had my fair share of indecent thoughts about you since we met. Now I get to live them out ... tell me Frankie, have you thought of me?" he asked, trailing his nose over my neck. "You smell delicious. Is that the perfume I bought you for Christmas?"

"Yes, I figured tonight was the perfect night to wear it." I muttered, tipping my head to the side.

It's been too long since I've had any sexual attention, and to get it from this delicious specimen of a man is definitely satisfying.

"Frankie ... did you ever think of me?" he growled.

"Many times." I admitted when he brought his lips back to mine.


"We should go." I whispered.

"Yes, we should ... I won't hold myself responsible for what happens if we stay here any longer."

"We're going to sell this." I smiled at him.

"So, what are we saying here? We were both attracted to each other before this but were too professional to act on it?" he asked, smiling at me and cupping my cheek softly.

"I mean, have you looked at yourself in a mirror? It would be a crime not to be attracted to you." I replied, making him chuckle.

"Changes are coming, darling." he stated, stepping away from me. "Let's go."

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