Hold Onto Me

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"Baby, come on, we gotta go." my boyfriend called out from the hallway.

"I'm waiting for you." I smiled, waiting in the living room with my purse in hand.

"Of course you are, I'm always the one running late." Solo said, wrapping his arm around my waist and pressing his lips to mine.

"Let's go, you know how Roman gets when people are late." I told him.

"Yeah ... let's go." he said and his tone changed.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Come on, we've got good news to share." he smiled now, tugging the necklace from under my dress with the engagement ring he gave me just yesterday.

Solo Sikoa Fatu and I have been dating for over a year and he proposed yesterday. I was completely caught by surprise but I can't be happier and today we're going to tell his family at the normal monthly family dinner.

His family is very close-knit and they all work together at Roman's company. I can't say I'm Roman's biggest fan, he works his family tirelessly and doesn't treat them altogether the way you would treat family. Solo's come home frustrated and angry and tired so many times that I lost count but they all do love each other and only want the family to succeed. I don't think he's my biggest fan either and I don't know why he doesn't like me but I'm not all too worried about it. Solo's brothers and their wives are amazing, some of my best friends, and even Roman's wife, she is also amazing.

Today, dinner was at Roman's house which already made me a little uneasy. He has a way of looking at people that just makes me uncomfortable. He does it on purpose to me and I don't understand it but today, I'm not going to let him take away my joy. I'm going to marry the man that I love and we're going to announce it to everyone.

"You're here!" Galina said when she opened the door.

"On time because Nadia keeps me scheduled." Solo said, making her laugh.

"We're still waiting for Jimmy, Trinity, and the kids." she replied as we walked in.

"So we're not the last ones! I should've bet with him when he said he's be here before me." Solo laughed.

"Yeah, you would've made that easy money." I smiled.

"Alright, come in both of you and get comfortable." Galina said as she took off to one of her crying twins.

"You ready for this, soon to be Mrs. Fatu?" Solo asked, wrapping his arm around my waist again.

"I'm so ready." I smiled, pressing my lips to his.

"Solo ..." Roman said, interrupting us.

"Hey Ro." he replied, fist-bumping his cousin.


"Hello, Roman." I smiled.

"Nadia!!" I heard, turning to one of Solo's sister's in law, Takeisha.

"Hey! Gentleman, if you'll excuse me." I said softly, walking away from them.

"You look amazing. You always do." Takeisha said.

"Thanks, girl you look gorgeous too. Where's Jey?"

"Out with the boys trying to convince them today is not the day to jump into the pool fully dressed. Even though he's considering doing it himself." she replied, shaking her head.

"Sounds about right."

"You're glowing, are you pregnant?" she asked, poking my stomach.

"Who's pregnant?" Galina asked.

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