Chapter 14 + epilogue

Start from the beginning

Shigaraki regenerated and stood on the water as Izuku came flying towards him.

Shigaraki: "I've had enough of this"

Shigaraki raised his hand as he sprouts out fingers reaching for Izuku and grabbing him making his body decay then crushing him to dust.

Shigaraki: "Finally I won"

Izuku: "Did you"

Shigaraki looked back to see water forming an arm then turning into Izuku's own and began to regenerate back.


Shigaraki dashed and punched at Izuku but he blocked and dodged the attacks and started punching back. The ruptures of the punches sent water flowing back. Izuku then grabbed both his arms and head butted him in the nose. Shigaraki kicked him back as Izuku then pushed his hand forward as ice spikes came out of the water attacking him like a machine gun. Shigaraki punched the spikes with multiple arms then sent four more from his back to Izuku which he then redirected the attack to those leaving him open as Shigaraki kneed him upwards then began to move around him and punch and kick Izuku.

Izuku then grabbed his leg and pulled him in to a punch. Izuku then put fire on his hand and blasted him in the face. Shigaraki then extended his arm to then punch Izuku.

Izuku: "I'm getting tired of this"

Izuku flew back and began to change into his monster king form.

Izuku sent flesh tendrils at Shigaraki which he blocked with his own

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Izuku sent flesh tendrils at Shigaraki which he blocked with his own. Izuku swatted at Shigaraki as he kept sending tendrils with one hitting him stopping him then another stabbed him in the back and more. Izuku rose him up to his face as Shigaraki grunted in pain.

Izuku: "This ends hear Shigaraki. Now and forever. Your master is dead and now AFO will fully die. Any last words"

Shigaraki: "I will kill you"

Izuku brought him forward and into his mouth and ate him killing him and putting an end to the story of AFO. Izuku changed back and flew back to Japan and into the forest and saw villains being detained and some heroes and villains dead as well as monsters and some still alive. Izuku then saw his hero harem and saw some of them getting bandaged up and healed by healer heroes. He hugged them then stood back to fall backwards tired.

He later woke up in his bed with his harem and kids. He got out of bed putting on a new suit and preparing breakfast for them. They all then got up as Izuku left and met with Nezu to be taken to a press conference. Izuku walked to the front of the podium with the president and Nezu sitting in chairs behind him and other government officials.

Izuku: "My name is Izuku Yaoyorozu. I am also know as The human monster The Scavenger. AFO Shigaraki and the LoV are all dead"

Reporter: "What about the monsters that roam the world"

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