chapter 21: maybe she can do it better?

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i wake up, the bright sun shining into my eyes. leah's body is tucked into mine, my arms held tightly around her waist. i close my eyes again, tiredness taking over my limbs.
my body is behind hers, both of us laying on our sides. i pull her body further into mine, pushing my face into her neck, trying to block out the light and being too lazy to close the curtains.
i lean over leah, checking the time on her phone, mine still being lost.
you're joking.
it's too early, yet i can't get back to sleep.
i guess i did go to sleep early. my hopes of a good night were crushed when keira and lucy decided to interrupt.
i groan, getting bored of laying here. unintentionally waking up leah.
she stretches slightly, before placing her hand on mine, over her stomach.
i don't know what's wrong with me, but even the simplest action like that makes me feel, just, i don't know. i just don't want to change that feeling, i don't want to let it slip out of my hands. at a push, it's better than scoring a goal.

leah gently rubs her thumb back and forth. i place my head on her shoulder as she picks up her phone, scrolling through her instagram. she likes a couple of post, before stopping on mine.

"well done sophi, you've successfully wound up all the fans" she says with a laugh, scrolling through the comments. her voice kind of croaky, i guess because she just woke up, but it's hot, very.

"my jobs done then" i mumble back tiredly, smiling. leah rolls over, facing me. i gently rest my hand on her side, staring at her.

"what?" she asks, with her normal nervous giggle.

"nothing, eres preciosa" you're just beautiful. i whisper, finding it too uncomfortable to do it in english.

"i need to learn spanish, pequeña perra" you little bitch. she says, smiling proudly.

"hey! how'd you learn that?"

"soph, you swear way more than you think in spanish. " she says, laughing.
i run my tongue over my teeth, finding it almost impossible not to kiss her.

"you love it though, no?" i tease, a smirk laying on my face.

"maybe, it's hot" a teasing smile set on her face.

"yeah?" i ask, placing my hand on her cheek, gently connecting our lips.

"definitely. " she replies, pulling me in for another kiss.

soon enough we get up, and get ready for training. i have a session with the psychologist, causing me to miss breakfast.

"see you in a bit" i say to leah, squeezing her hand as i walk to my session. and like always, i'm not looking forward to it, not one bit. i walk there slowly, the plants, pictures on the walls now becoming very interesting.

i knock on the door.

"come in sophia!" she says happily. i walk in the door, sitting down in the chair opposite her. i put my feet up on her desk. luckily, she doesn't protest, worried i'll just walk out.

"so, what do you want to talk about today?"

"don't mind" i reply

"you're parents?" she suggests

"no chance" i scoff. completely rejecting the idea.

"how about leah?" she asks. i snap my head around to her immediately

"umm well, i told her my feelings, and she likes me aswell. " i say, not meeting her eyes.

"that's great!" she smiles happily.
"does she make you feel better about everything, does she help you?"

"yeah i guess so. it's a lot less pressure when she's with me. "

"that's good, so are you and leah a thing now?"

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