Taste for Vengeance- Prolouge

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(Yuki theuseus)

(5 years before original timeline)

The sound of my running and the cries of people were deafening to my ears, fire was present anywhere, multiple debris have been falling as I continue to run into hell from earth, flames seeming to eat away at my flesh

"But I can't stop, not like this! Where are you Origami?!!"

One person I was hoping to find, to get out of these flames, with those deafening cries of agony and help still continuing, I heard a shout from the girl who I was hoping to find, I quickly rushed to the origin of the sound, jumping through fences, debris and charred corpses which can make any person puke, I arrived

"Origami! what are you doing, why aren't you escaping?!"

"Mom and dad... they're both... they're-"

I pulled her close to a hug, I could see them... her eyes were full of tears, I guess I was a coward that was scared to see her in pain, in extreme agony, I then felt a hot sensation from where I buried her face.

"Why did it have to be me! Why were they killed! Mom... dad I...Hk-"

She screamed, she screamed so hard that I felt my ears ringing, I felt stupid just standing here, so I want to help her, console her!

"Origami! I know your a tough girl! You can get through this, just like with all those-" but she slapped my face before I can finish

"You'll never understand, don't you understand YukI! My parents are dead, they can never come back! Gone in an instance, You won't get it, you'll never get it!" She then continued to cry after her outburst

The flames were continuing to approach us, like a predator looking for prey, there is still that problem, but I can't leave Origami in this sorry state, no... I have to

"Origami!!!" After shouting her name, she looked at me, her face was filled with tears

'I know this will be insensitive of me... but please!"

I bowed to her and moved my hand towards her direction

"I don't know how you feel, So tell me! I want you to cry to me  when you feel sad! I want to see you smile when you feel happy! Fight when you are angry! Struggle when your in despair! I want to understand you origami, so please... come with me" 

I never said anything so embarrassing yet so full of passion ever in my life! My heart is beating like crazy over here, and the heat isn't helping me at all

"I will come with you..." But before I could celebrate, she added a but

"But, I can't give you all my feelings right now Yuki, it may be selfish of me but I would like to dedicate my life to killing the monster that killed my mom and dad... I will kill her until her last breath!" 

She looked so mad... deranged even, her eyes shone red as she looked at me, with her tears drying up... probably from the heat

"If I finish my mission, I know it may be selfish...but  I wish you were the one to see my smile, I know it may probably be years or maybe even decades, so It is highly likely you would've left me, probably out of annoyance or anger... but I still want to fulfill this desire of mine, but until then I will dedicate my life for vengeance" She sadly declared

"But you don't have to be like this! You can smile! You can laugh! You can cry... and you can love! Dedicating yourself to vengeance will not solve this problem! Your parents won't like seeing you like this!"

I grabbed her shoulders and shook it violently, maybe it was to exaggerate my point or to console her... even I don't know

"You can't seal your heart origami! Your parents will-"

"I am doing this for myself, I can't help but always be selfish... I'm a bad girl, right mom and dad?" 

She looked downwards at the crater left, their bodies were disintegrated so a burial won't be held, I looked at my back and the flames were just few meters going at us, so I grabbed origami and got out of their quickly. After for a while, I gently put origami down to the ground as we watched the rest of the suburbs going up in flames, she then looked at me.

"I am sorry for that slap Yuki" she casted her eyes down, probably ashamed of her action

"Oh this? It's nothing... guess I kinda got myself carried away" I then slightly chuckled

By now, everyone seemed to have evacuated, but many lives have been lost to the flames today, and many families will probably weep, many dreams and stories would be lost

"But I can't help but be a little happy about this" I muttered under my breath

"What did you say yuki?" Origami looked at me with her questioning stare

"Ahh, nothing" 

I put my hand on an X symbol to not warrant any further questions, and we continued to watch the burning suburbs, I could be hallucinating... but I think I saw an even greater fire from origami's eyes.

(At fraxinus, A few days after the incident)

I looked through the images that Reine had given me, it was of kotori and shido, and they kissed?

"What is this Reine?Is this a prank you've set up"

I looked over to the one who had shown me the image, Reine Murasame, with her never changing expression, she shook her head

"This is real footage, and you do know what this means"

So <ifrit> is kotori, and the sealer is truly shido, what would happen if Kotori and Origami met? DO I have to choose between them? If so how?

"If this is true, we know that shido is truly the sealer, but there is still small spirit activity, those only being <Nightmare> which should be hard to seal"

"What course of action should be taken commander?"

"We will have to wait for more spirits to arrive, for now we will have to do our best with our current resources and protect both Kotori and Shido"

And possibly never let kotori go on spirit mode when origami is near,  I keep pulling each one of them in extreme danger but

"I am a greedy man, so I want to take everything!"

Even if I have to stop origami from fulfilling her desires, I will still do it, to ensure each and everyone of them are safe, that is what I want to do. To keep everyone I love safe and sound, even if I have to stop origami's taste for vengeance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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