Chapter 5

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After everyone went inside Alejandra decided to get some snacks for the gaming session. It seemed like she would mostly watch instead of playing herself. She put a bunch of bowls with crisps, nuts and other stuff on the living room table and sat herself down on the sofa between Matthew and Wynn. Quackity was setting up his Nintendo Switch, connecting it to the TV. When he successfully set it up, the bootup screen appeared. He walked backwards and plopped himself down beside Wynn, who instantly choked on the crisps he was munching on. Alejandra started slapping his back to help him get rid of the food in his windpipe. ,,Calm down, wouldn't want to have crisps to be your cause of death, right?" she snickered at him. Wynn gave her a forced smile and then eyed Quackity from the side. He would have never thought he'd be that close to him one day. It felt all so surreal. ,,How about we play some Smash?" Matthew suggested while grabbing one of the controllers. Wynn wasn't fond of the normal Switch cons, he preferred the pro controller, but this had to do for now. He didn't want to be picky, especially in front of Quackity. ,,Sounds good, I'm in." Quackity turned to Alejandra. ,,Are you gonna play with us too?" she chuckled and shook her head in disapproval. ,,I'll just watch you guys." She nudged Wynn's arm, encouraging him to participate in the conversation. ,,Uhm, I like Smash." There were a few seconds of silence after he made that statement. Quackity snorted and then laughed energetically. ,,That's great Wynn, so we're all on the same page." He gave Wynn a warming smile before he reached out to grab two controllers and gave one to Wynn. Wynn hesitated but slowly reached out to grab the controller out of Quackity's hand. He knew he had to get his shit together. His awkwardness didn't seem to be a problem at the current moment, but something inside him told him if he continued behaving like a weird fanboy it would soon turn into one.

The rounds of Smash stretched over hours until the sun started to set. Wynn looked out the window to see the orange-purplish sky, reminding him to check the time. While in the distance the sounds of the game continued he took out his phone and checked the time. He saw a bunch of missed calls from his dad and a shudder ran down his back. Alejandra seemed to notice his distress and spoke out to him. ,,Everything alright Wynn?" At that everyone turned their attention to him. ,,Uhm yeah, but I have a bunch of missed calls from my dad." Matthew's breath hitched and he cursed under his breath. ,,Shit, I think we should go back home." Quackity's expression seemed to sadden, but he quickly put on a smile. Alejandra smirked at that and reached around Wynn to push her brother's shoulder, from which she earned a displeased huffing. ,,You've been here all day, you can come back tomorrow." Alejandra nudged Wynn's side for the second time today, while she voiced her suggestion. Quackity nodded at his sister's proposal. ,,I'll have another stream during the early afternoon, but after that I have time, so how about 4pm?" Matthew agreed to that, not even giving Wynn time to answer the question himself.

Matthew and Wynn said their goodbyes, Alejandra persisting on a hug, which Wynn happily gave her. When it came to saying goodbye to Quackity he felt a lot more awkward than he did with his sister. They both just looked at each other for a few seconds before Quackity reached out his hand again like he did in his first conversation with Wynn. Wynn shook it smiling at the other boy. Before Quackity let go of Wynn's hand he squeezed it, Wynn made a surprised squeak sound in response. Alejandra decided to burst out laughing at that and Wynn's face reddened. ,,Don't mind my sister... See you tomorrow Wynn." Quackity told Wynn. The siblings walked the cousins to Matthew's car and Wynn waved at the two one last time before Matthew pulled out of the driveway.

The drive home was rather quiet, as Matthew decided to not full on blast music this time. ,,You were so shy in front of Alex, I had to hold myself back from laughing at you, yknow?" Wynn held himself back from punching Matthew, as he didn't want to be the cause of a car accident. He sighed, trying to not let Matthew bother him. ,,I am a shy person in general, okay?" Matthew chuckled, visibly amused. ,,I already knew that the first time I met you, but in front of Alex... Totally different, you weren't stranger danger shy, you were love shy." Wynn looked at his cousin with a shocked expression visible on his face. Matthew had to keep his eyes on the road so he wasn't able to see how shocked Wynn was by his words. ,,That's not true, I just look up to him." Matthew debated whether he should comment on the matter again but decided to drop the conversation. He felt like Wynn had to figure this out himself. While Matthew was oblivious to a lot of stuff, he knew the expression of love at first sight all too well. He saw it on his own face when he met Alejandra for the first time.

Meanwhile, at Quackity's house, Quackity and Alejandra had decided to order takeout for dinner. They sat on the living room sofa while they looked through a bunch of restaurants. Alejandra stared attentively at her brother, instead of paying attention to the list of restaurants on his phone. After a few minutes, Quackity decided to ask Alejandra what was on her mind. ,,Spit it out, come on." Alejandra cleared her throat before she began to speak. ,,You like Wynn, don't you?" Quackity frowned at that statement. ,,He's just a fan." His sister squinted her eyes at him. ,,You didn't deny, so I am right." Alejandra knew her brother all too well. There was no way he could lie to her at this moment, and even if he did, she would notice. ,,You say he is just a fan, but you're just saying that to keep him from getting too close. We both know he isn't one of those weird fans, he's just an extreme introvert." Quackity hovered with his thumb over one of the many restaurants on the list and clicked on one. ,,Pasta sounds good right now." Alejandra rolled her eyes. She was going to get him to talk eventually.

Connection || 《Quackity X Male OC》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora