Surprising My Long distance boyfriend

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                                                                -AT IU'S HOUSE-

Isuel: hurry!!!! 

IU: yeah yeah I'm here let's go and i'll meet your bf. I wanna see what kind of guy he is (saying while raising a eyebrow)

*Isuel and IU goes gets her boarding pass and flies off to Busan in airplane

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*Isuel and IU goes gets her boarding pass and flies off to Busan in airplane. They get a cab and goes to the address given by Jong Suk and rings the doorbell. Jong Suk came to open the door while being in just bathrob thinking  it must be the delivery guy and as the door opened Isuel hugged Jong Suk and he pushed her away due to sudden shock while IU is just standing there frozen* 

 Jong Suk came to open the door while being in just bathrob thinking  it must be the delivery guy and as the door opened Isuel hugged Jong Suk and he pushed her away due to sudden shock while IU is just standing there frozen* 

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Jong Suk: What the hell! (pushes her away and realization hits) Wait! Isuel??!?!!? What are you doing here?!?!

Isuel: Yeah!

IU: H-how dare you push my bestfriend away!!! yah! you son of a b-

Isuel: yah calm down calm down i think he is just shock

Jong Suk: exactly but who are you?

IU: Are you deaf or what?I told you that She is my bestfriend and hence I'm her bestfriend duh!

Jong Suk: O-oh Come in both of you

Isuel: let's go in (holds IU's hand and drags her in) 

*Jong Suk brings glass of water for Isuel and IU both but..he hands over the glass of water to IU and puts other glass of water on table for Isuel to take it herself which Isuel just shrugged it off*

Jong Suk: So..! What do you do Isuel's 'bestfriend'

IU: You can call me IU and I'm a psychologist

Jong Suk: That's nice!

IU: What do you do?

Jong Suk: I'm a surgeon 

*IU and Jong Suk started to laugh and talk like there is no tomorrow and like this isn't their first time meeting making Isuel feel like a third wheel but then suddenly doorbell rang again and IU and Jong Suk were continuousy talking and ignored doorbell like nothing so Isuel went to open the door. When she opened the door she saw a handsome , tall man standing there.*

???: Who are you? And What are you doing at my hyung's house

Isuel: You are....Kim Taehyung...Aren't you?

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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