Chapter I

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From grass to grace
~|NF•∆clouds \~

Prerna s pov

London lights are beautiful and the fact that I get to see them from this view is wonderful as I look outside there is one light that shines brighter than any other . I was once like that, a beautiful light in the night sky I outshine everyone and I could see the loathing and envy in everyone's eyes but I never did mind because a star never feared the darkness around it , remember when I said I was once like that yeah it has been seven years since the push from the bridge which destroyed me completely

I have changed lot over the past seven years the pain and the anguish it created a beast , not the beautiful kind thought I've bodied the features of a fox conniving,witty and merciless I'm no longer a star  that shines in the darkness but instead I've become darkness and have been filled with it . I've worked on a lot of things too like being a mother to my now eighteen year old daughter , I love her alot she has always been connected to my heart  and a part of my soul in a way one cannot fathom , she's grown incredibly fast , has become an intelligent, beautiful young lady and I couldn't be more proud but I'm worried because I've seen the relationship that was once all smiles , love and adoration between father and daughter become something hostile over the seven  years.

I mean I don't expect them to bond like before they have both grown immensely whether emotionally or physically and kukki is no longer that little girl that gave her father taxes in form of little kisses on the cheek and Mr Bajaj is no longer the father who would give his daughter piggy back rides just to see her smile but I expect to see a connection between them at least some few lovely occasions but between then there is none,nothing, zilch they don't even make effort to communicate with each other.

Talking about being a mother brings both joy and pain to me , joy in the sense that I get to be a mother to my teenage daughter who loves me and treasures me but anguish in sense that I remember I'm still a mother to my little infant who I had lost seven years ago and everytime I close my eyes to sleep all I see is her. Those cute little cheeks of her and her beautiful Chocolate eyes that you could just melt in by looking at , that pretty toothless gummy  smile of hers and those baby hands and feet she would have turned six  years old yesterday, yes yesterday was her death anniversary and I've celebrated it every single year with the help of Mr Bajaj  .

To talk about my husband he has been nothing less than supportive through out , he helped  me through the trauma and depression every single time I fell into that past he was always there, he made me a better business woman better than I could ever want to be the best of the best he often tells me I'm going to steal "the shark" tittle from him any time soon and that in all honesty he wouldn't mind. I appreciate his efforts because without him I would never have pursued my PHD and became an owner of three successful companies from nothing . He even taught me the poker face but he said it needs more work and I look like a five year old while doing it

I've developed admiration for that man , he gave me his name again even after I chose Anurag over him which is the biggest mistake I did , but it's not only admiration it's something I can't describe a unique emotion I can't put a finger on maybe it's .....................

"Mrs Bajaj why are you not ready yet the award show is in an hour " his deep voice sounded making the pit of my stomach feel something different, I felt drowned but in a good way emersed in something bittersweet .
I closed my diary and put down my pen on the table leaving my seat that was facing  the large  glass window  deciding to finish my thoughts later , as I stood turning towards my bedroom door I looked at my husband smiling a bit seeing that he was all ready for the award show cladded as usual in a grey  three piece suit  and kept looking t his grey Rolex .

"Mr Bajaj one hour is enough to get ready, so don't worry I'll be ready by then" i say rolling my eyes at how time conscious my husband is .

"Don't roll your eyes at me Mrs Bajaj and you know how important this award is for you and to add to that you never what is going on in a woman's brain especially a Bengali woman.kukki started getting ready to hours ago and is not even ready yet and mom isn't any better either so better be safe than sorry ." He said getting in her room and sitting in one of the chairs in her room

" Apart from being your wife I'm also your best friend Mr Bajaj I know how time conscious you are that is why I pick an outfit all ready to be worn I just need to take a shower and we will hit the road and leave your daughter alone she's a teen shell take her time and mother in law always takes her time even I know that "

" Ok Mrs Bajaj what are you wearing show me? "

I get my grey suit from the large walk in closet and show it to him  . He quirks any eyebrow at my suit almost as if he's judging my sense of style

"  Mrs Bajaj , I love the idea but it won't suit you"

"What do you want me to wear then I have no idea what I should wear since I had no other ideas in mind "
I say looking at him as he stands walking past me and entering my walk in closet

He stays in there for a while until he comes out with a white suit jacket with slits on each side and a matching white trouser and  a cream blouse .

"Wear that" he says mindlessly while cupping my cheek and placing a kiss to my forehead "drive safe I have to go to the office first and attend to some important business and then only can I attend the award show "

I hug him giving him. Kiss on the cheek and as I do there is a slight show of his dimples but in a couple of seconds they fade away " drive safe Rishabh and please be safe and do not be late " I say faking sternness

" Now you wanna talk about time prerna " he says mockingly and heads to the door leaving me smiling all to myself.

Taking a hot shower I wear what Mr Bajaj had chosen , apply some light make up and top it off with some light jewelry to finish up and head down stairs .

As I descend down the stairs I hear a whistle and see kukki and my mother in law looking up at me .

I thought you would be wearing the grey suit prerna " Tanu Bose my mother-in-law says smiling her pearly white teeth  showing and grey hair which shines under the light one of the qualities that make her and her son so....I shake my head fading those thoughts

"Mr Bajaj said this would be better"  I say taking her in for a hug

" In all honesty you look better in this one it outlines your curves and edges right makes you look like a sexy woman" she says winking at prerna

"Mom don't say such infront of kukki please"  I say a bit embarrassed

"She is right you look sexy , I would have never whistled otherwise " kukkis says snickering abit at her mother's shyness

Kukki in the next minute stops snickering and starts wincing as prerna pinches her ear

"You have become extremely naughty these days  child , I think I need to teach you how to behave"

"Prerna let's go we are already late , you both can fight later" Mother in law says pulling kukki away from me and running towards the exit door

We are not done . I mouth to kukki as she looks back to me and sticks her tongue out

London award show

"And the business woman of the year award once again goes to prerna Rishabh Bajaj "

Everyone claps as I stand up happy to receive the award but there was only one problem my husband isn't here yet, he has never Missed any of my award shows and it was making me nervous but yet still I hesitantly walked onto the stage and stood at the podium ready to give my speech  where in the world  was he?

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