you follow her.

as you get to your classroom door, your principal says something.

principal: when you go there, just say your name, and a fun fact about you, okay?

you: okay.

your principal was a nice older lady, she looked around her 50s but she was kind and understanding and was the principal of this school for the past 20 years.

the principal opens the door and she grabs your hand and walks you in.

principal: hello students! today you will be having a new classmate! why don't you introduce yourself? she says while turning to you.

you: hi, my name is Ally and i love baking...atleast i used to. you say as you remember baking isn't your favorite thing, it was before but it's been a while since you've talked about yourself so you don't really know your new interests.

you see many people waving at you which is unusual, so you wave back.

principal: amazing! Ally you can go sit there next to Sarah!

you go and sit next to her.

sarah: hey!! my name is sarah!

you: hi, i'm Ally!

you are weirded out because no one really ever wanted to talk to you, you were often bullied for your looks.

emma: hii! i'm emma nice to meet you! a girl says who sits in front of you turns around to you.

sophie: hi i'm sophie! a girl who sits next to emma says.

you: hi!

principal: okay guys, i'll leave you to talk to your new classmate for 15 minutes.

emma: sooo what kind of- she says as she gets cut off.

ariana: hey, so you're the new girl right? she says while 2 girls are standing behind her.

you: umm yes.

jessica: you're like..really pretty. a girl from behind ariana says.

you: thanks!

ariana: oh so you agree?

you: huh?

ariana: you think you're pretty?

you: oh umm..

maddy: haha don't take it seriously she's obviously joking! the other girl from behind ariana says.

you just laugh awkwardly.

jessica: anyways what's your name?

you: oh it's Ally, i already said that tho.

jessica: noo i mean, your full name?

you knew you would get embarrassed by your last name being Swan, why would she even ask that in the first place?

you: umm it's Ally Swan.

the girls giggle a bit.

ariana: as in the animal?

sarah: ariana grow up. sarah says backing you up.

jessica: oh i see someone is feeling brave today? how about you show us how brave you are after school in the alley?.. she says to sarah.

sarah just stays quiet.

jessica: exactly bitch stay quiet.

you: hey don't call her a bitch.

jessica giggles.

maddy: oh don't worry we are friends! it's just an inside joke we have isn't that right sarah?

sarah: yea..

maddy: see?

you: okay..

jessica: so do you wanna sit with us at lunch?

you: oh umm i don't kn- you say as you get cut off.

ariana: not ANYONE can just sit with us you know? they have to be our friends or something.

you: wait so does that mean we are-

maddy: friends? of course! we will be waiting for you at lunch.

they say as they leave.

you: who were they? they seem nice!

sophie scoffs.

you: what?

sophie: they are like the biggest bullies in school.

you: what? but they are so nice to me?

emma: that's just a trick to win you so they can find out everything about you, and then ditch you and spread rumours.

you: oh, i don't think they will do that to me,they seem cool!

you're so happy! you finally have friends, you never had that before so you're really happy about that, you ignore what emma said about them because she can always be exaggerating, and after all, jessica,maddy and ariana seem more interesting.

at lunch.

you go grab a tray and put some food on your plate, then you go to sit down, but.. sarah,emma and sophie are sitting at one table looking at you and telling you to come over, and jessica, maddy and ariana are sitting at another table telling you to come over to them.

you: oh shit what do i do. you whisper to yourself.

this can be a really good opportunity for you to make friends and if it's true they are bullies then why would you wanna ignore the bullies? that would only lead to you being even more bullied.

you decide to go sit down with jessica, ariana and maddy.

your other friends seem disappointed, but what else could you do?

you go and sit down.

but then someone suddenly taps your shoulder.

you turn around and it's...

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