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[SAIKI POV] haveing dinner at the most normal family, having the most normal conversation. This is a dream come true. Y/n hasn't talked at all during the conversation, probably because she's not much of a people person. 'WHYYYYYYY I hate people so much. I just wanna go to sleep and watch TVVVVVV ' Y/n thinks, I understand that, but I more just want quiet. Ugh. "So kusuo, you and Y/n are in the same class?" Mrs. Satou says, thinking 'Hed be a great date for my beautiful n/n!'  "Yeah, were in the same class." I say slightly weirded out, she just transferred, why do you want her to get a boyfriend so badly? And besides, I'll never find anyone attractive (🤨) .


Why did my mom have to invite the saikis?!  UGH,I mean, not like I have any problems with them it's just I HATE PEOPLE. it's just a phase though, at least that's what Mom says (It's not a phase mom.. 🧑‍🎤) .

I know what my mom's thinking, even though I'm not like, some sort of crazy mind reader, that doesn't exist (🤨), But even though I just moved here from my aunt's house, she's already trying to set me up with people! She's insane. "So, kusuo, what do you think of Y/n? She's a pretty girl right?" Mom asks saiki, he nearly choked on his food, "Yeah, I guess. She doesn't talk much." Saiki says, glancing at me. 'well neither do you pinkie pie. '  I think, smirking to myself, I see Saiki glance at me again.
I stop myself from giggling, 'Brooo just leave my house so I can sleeeeeppp' I think to myself (Not really) "So..Y/N. Do you and Kusuo hang out?" Mrs Saiki asks, implying something. "No, uh, not really." I say, it's the first time I've said anything all dinner. "You two totally should! We could set up a play date!" Mrs Saiki said, chuckling, I can see Saiki scowl at his mother's antics. "We don't need a play date, we're not six." Saiki says, rolling his eyes. {TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY WILL WOOD} The saikis have left and it's finally quiet, and I can watch TV, "Y/n?" Hiroshi says "Yeah?" I respond "why were you so quiet at dinner? It was concerning." Hiroshi asks, "You know I don't like people, Hiroshi." I say, turning the TV on. "Do you like the Saiki boy?" Hiroshi asks suspicious of me, "He's okay, why?" I ask confused, "He kept looking at you. Like he was reading your thoughts or something." Hiroshi says, "That's impossible."I exclaim.


Not impossible. Yes I was looking at Y/N, but not in a weird way,I'm not some kind of perv like Toritsuka. Speaking of Toritsuka.. I need to keep Y/N away from him. Because she's average. And I don't want Toritsukas Pervertedness to rub off on Y/N. I also kind of just don't want Toritsuka around Y/N, if they're together I might explode. It's not like I LIKE Y/N, that's ridiculous. Shes just someone who may be a nice person to have around. "Ku? Whatcha thinking about?" Mom asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Nothing." I respond, "Kuu don't lie, I can tell when your thinking about a girl. Is it Y/N? OOOHHH my baby boy has his first crush!!" Mom says, way too excited, "I don't have a crush on her. " I say angrily,
"Whatever you say ku, I'll believe you..." Mom says with a shine in her eye,  I roll my eyes and go to my room.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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