Chapter 1 - You can sign the contract, Darcy

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Mr Turner" Darcy said. 

"You have something that our company needs, you know? Your attitude in the ring, it was different. And the punches that you threw, beating up the guys looked far too real, way too good for a female wrestler. Not that I say women can't wrestle. But to have a female wrestler who's that good aside from just, you know, being an eye candy, it was really rare talent. You have spectacular talent, Miss Johnson" Ted said, a warm smile formed underneath the grey moustache. 

Darcy looked at Bret and exchanged smiles. To hear a wrestling legend say something like that, it was a really big deal for Darcy. 

"You have something new to bring to the table, Miss Johnson. You are something fresh that WCW needs. And that is why I wanted you in here in the first place. You have great talent, Miss Johnson and you have trained from some of the best of the best, The Hart family. A spectacular wrestling dynasty. Not to forget your bloodline of great wrestlers, the Anoa'i family. The Samoan royalty of pro wrestling. You have what it takes. That is why I agreed to take you in even though it is a great risk what Bret has taken here to bring you to WCW" Ted said.

Bret is a top talent at the World Wrestling Federation, or better known as the WWF, which is WCW's greatest rival. So is Owen and his other brothers. WCW and WWF has gone toe-to-toe every week and has competed to be the best wrestling promotion there is. If only someone knows that Bret is in the building of WCW Headquarters, it could mean the downfall of Bret in WWF and the upcoming of WCW. But Ted, an understanding man, has agreed to keep this quiet since Bret's heritage used to be one of Ted's best talents in WCW. Bret's father, Stu Hart was one of Ted's best friends. They've known Ted for ages, so it was the least Ted could do for Bret. 

"I will not let you down, Mr Turner" Darcy said. 

"I know you wouldn't, Miss Johnson. And I'm sure you may have seen the letter I sent you and I hope you agree with the basic salary we have to offer. We'll give it a go and if it works and it gets better, we'll get right back at it again" Ted said, referring to her salary. 

Darcy was more than happy to hear that. It wasn't the money that was her concern. It was never the money. It was the fact that she is just one sign away from being a wrestler. A professional wrestler in the big leagues. 

"If you have no objections, you can go ahead and sign this agreement" Ted turned the papers around, placing his golden pen on top of it and pushing it towards Darcy. "You can read the agreement if you want to" 

"We trust you, Ted" Bret said which Ted smiled. Bret turned to Darcy who looked at him, waiting for his approval to sign the contract. "You can sign the contract, Darcy" 

Darcy smiled, signing the contract. 

"You'll start tomorrow. You need to be in Florida by noon tomorrow. I will explain to you tomorrow what you need to do" Ted said to which Darcy nodded.

Ted stood up, followed by Bret and Darcy. He shook their hands, and brought Darcy into a warm welcome hug before leading them out of the building, careful so no one would see them. Darcy was beaming in joy. Finally, she is officially professional wrestler!

Darcy was quiet the entire ride in the car, not because she was sad, it was because she was imagining how her career was gonna be hereafter, imagining the success that she is gonna have hereafter. 

Darcy know that she was one of a kind. Given her physical condition of 5'9 and weighing in around 155 pounds, she was a relatively huge woman for her age. Her muscular body was one of a kind, not the usual ones you could spot at ease. Although she was no match with the other wrestlers as she is quite small compared to the guys we're used to seeing on TV, but a woman that muscular? Not in this era. 

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